Any other Autistic adults in Northern Ireland?

Hi new to site and would like to connect with others in NI. Sat accidently beside another person with autism  at a works "do" today, and it took a lot to get myself there..... what a difference, what a positive experience and I would appreciate meeting others if anyone feels the same it would be good to hear from you.  

  • Hi Janet, I’m in Northern Ireland too. I’ve only just joined here. 

  • Hi Zoe Wave  never knew this existed. Hope you getting on okay

  • Me neither. I only read about it in the email today. What part of NI are you in? 

  • Although *too*!tentative and no momentum is established. It’s a question of balance I suppose. I just remembered that I’d look into how to become an admin on the Twitter thing so I will try to figure that out. 

  • I just tweeted in the circle after a longer than intended break due to feeling wretched to be honest. I wonder if the WhatsApp is worth considering again. The circle is private I know but 140 characters can be an issue for me (even if at times a good discipline) and a meaningful conversation when we’re individually at our lowest might more organically flow  in a WhatsApp group. I’ll persevere with Twitter for now as i deeply appreciate Propurple setting something up there. This thread deserves a bump too, see if anyone else finds it a helpful  beacon for fostering some tentative local networking and support. 

  • I just tweeted in the circle after a longer than intended break due to feeling wretched to be honest. I wonder if the WhatsApp is worth considering again. The circle is private I know but 140 characters can be an issue for me (even if at times a good discipline) and a meaningful conversation when we’re individually at our lowest might more organically flow  in a WhatsApp group. I’ll persevere with Twitter for now as i deeply appreciate Propurple setting something up there. This thread deserves a bump too, see if anyone else finds it a helpful  beacon for fostering some tentative local networking and support. 
