
Hello there I'm R. 

I'm autistic, friendless and a loner. I'm feeling depressed and I can't get a job. I've tried volunteer work to but no one will have me.

Feeling like giving up. My life sucks and so do I.

Wanted to come here and he with people who understands as everyone in my life doesn't.

  • Hello R,

    I've been feeling the same lately.

    I only have two friends, I only contact them over WhatsApp because they live elsewhere in the country. 

    I was made redundant two years ago and I have been on the shelf ever since.

    All you can do is keep going.

  • Hello Bunny.

    I do know that you are right, of course.

    I don't need to do many things, but find myself wanting to....and in this instance, I've been sampling and understanding the "bot life" in this place for quite a while now.  Its a bit like bird watching I suppose.  I am sorry if it bothers you.....and if you were explaining this to me, then I thank you for taking the trouble.......but yes, I already knew what you have said.

    Nice to meet you, fellow human. = this is another upside of seeing and logging spam occurrences and distribution in this place.

    Wow.....that is an autistic sounding sentence!

  • The "More" > "Flag as spam/abuse" feature is available beneath every post. The moderators will then take care of it. We don't need to post about it in addition.

  • NAS 93986 = Spam - embedded link - H O U N D S please.

  • Thanks Queen :o) 

  • It was a tough time but I'm glad things have improved and hopefully they will continue to improve as I get older. I'm so glad to be back again. It's weird to think that if the email notification hadn't come through or if I'd changed email then I wouldn't be back here now. Really glad I got that notice this morning.

  • I'm very glad to read this and it's great that a bot and Queen jointly brought you back

    I will quickly interject and confirm that I do NOT have anything to do with bots and it was sheer coincidence that a bot and I summoned an old member back to the flock.


     so sad to read what you went through but I'm glad you're in a better place now and can see better times ahead of you. Welcome back. Relaxed

  • Thank you for this - an interesting read - you have been through the mill.

    Suddenly life is feeling and looking a lot better and I'm so glad that I can see things in a positive light again.

    I'm very glad to read this and it's great that a bot and Queen jointly brought you back Blush

  • I reported the Bots...

    But so far they've managed to get past Captcha LOL Laughing

  • Hello everyone,

    I am so sorry I didn't respond to your responses to my initial post 2 yrs ago. I had intended to reply to your kind and supportive comments but my horrible dad reported me to MH services and then I was detained to a MH unit. It took some time to get back home. It was awful in there, the worst time of my life. I'm back home again now though and things are a bit better than they were.

    I was 18 when I joined here and I'm 20 now and I'm starting to see a future ahead of me, there's a lot of confusion as well, but I try not to overthink things like I was. An unfortunate side to autism is over analysing absolutely everything whether it's big or small. As soon as my brain focuses on it I've no chance of focusing on anything else. This was one of my problems before, detaining me made it worse it turns out but I've managed to help myself since then and now I am better and controlling what I focus on. I still focus on the bad stuff and get terrible anxiety but I have good distractions in place, fun hobbies and things I do to help myself break free from the negative cycle.

    It doesn't always work but it does more often than not.

    Life has improved since the terrible day I was detained. Being detained taught me some things, one is that I know medical professionals know nothing about autism and their approach to treating it is terrible - support is what we need! Not treatment! - and I know now my dad doesn't care about me, as I always suspected to be honest but at least I know now. Once I got back home I got myself together as much as possible and gradually started to do things that might lead to something big leading hopefully to a better future for me. A lot of it didn't work, I tried looking for jobs, no one ever got back to me, I wrote books and sent them to publishers and did self publishing and met some success... but not enough to be able to support me.

    At last I found what I was looking for in YouTube videos. I started of doing videos just for fun, about my dedicated interests, about music, celebrities and then I started doing a video journal about autism, how I was detained and it suddenly grew and grew until finally I found my niche. In my local town and village I go to autistic events when they're on, spreading awareness and offering support - this requires masking though, I really couldn't talk to anybody without masking but I like that I'm hopefully helping someone.

    Sometimes just one person taking a stand and being there for others is all it takes to make a difference. I'm hoping I can eventually get bigger and make a difference that will impact the entire world positively for autistics young and old. That is my mission in my life now.

    I still don't have any friends LOL, some things never change. But to be honest I don't mind as much now. I like what I'm doing for work, I like doing things for the autistic community and I enjoy my hobbies and interests.

    Suddenly life is feeling and looking a lot better and I'm so glad that I can see things in a positive light again. 2 yrs ago I never saw myself where I have got now.

    I'm sorry I didn't reply before. I had always intended to but after being detained I completely forgot about the forum and the thread I'd made. I got a notification that Queen had mentioned me in a post this morning but there were no notifications to any replies to this thread. I remember the notifications never worked before. Funny how that's still the case!

    Funny to see the spam bots are still around... 

    Thank you Queen and thank you all for your kindly responses and support to my original post. It really means a lot that so many people cared and still care.

    Thank you! :-) 

    Now I'm back I am hoping to be active here again and participate amongst the other threads.

  • , I hope pinging you will notify you that there are members still thinking of you and wishing you well.

    I'm sorry you're feeling this way at the moment. Unfortunately this is the case for many of us with autism, though I understand it doesn't make it any easier for you.

    Life has its ups and downs. There's going to be bad times, we all have that, but there's also going to be good times and the good times will be worth waiting for. You don't suck R, that's the negativity speaking.

    Keep fighting the good fight because you are worth fighting for.

    I'm not sure if you're still active here but if you are then please stick around as this is a good forum with many good and wise members.

    I hope things are better for you now.

    Best wishes,


  • Hi R

    Don't give up; you aren't alone. I'm new here too and I also feel alone quite often also due to not feeling very understood, so I hope you stick around, and hopefully find some connection here. 

  • No, you make perfect sense, sorry just a bit disillusioned with people at the moment. 
    maybe I set the ‘bar’ too high, I probably set it too low. A deserted island is looking more and more appealing.

  • will they ever learn ?

    Yes.....but in cycles....endless cycles of "boom and bust" of TRUE understanding.....that is the conclusion I have reached.  The duration of each period is debatable, but the amplitude of each cycle is ever more dramatic...and that aspect of it frightens me a little!

    Ignore me.....it's  probably just the sprouts talking!

  • Happy Boxing Day, I was going to venture out later to the village pub, unfortunately ’The Hunt’ always meets there on Boxing Day, I will give it a miss. I never will understand the humans, they seem to destroy everything they come into contact with, will they ever learn ?

  • Happy Boxing Day mate.  So.....funny...I did just leave them a message....but also tried to use their poxy website .....and guess what .... it doesn't even flipping work!

    Dud advertising strategy = dud service.  Beautiful.

  • Perhaps tell them to, go forth and multiply!

  • Our beautiful and ferocious hounds had too much turkey left-overs yesterday ......but today or tomorrow, they will be HANGRY....they won't need flipping route planning apps to find this post.  Perhaps, I might visit their website and offer them some advice on where to go!

  • SPAM for Christmas lunch!