
Hello there I'm R. 

I'm autistic, friendless and a loner. I'm feeling depressed and I can't get a job. I've tried volunteer work to but no one will have me.

Feeling like giving up. My life sucks and so do I.

Wanted to come here and he with people who understands as everyone in my life doesn't.

  • Our beautiful and ferocious hounds had too much turkey left-overs yesterday ......but today or tomorrow, they will be HANGRY....they won't need flipping route planning apps to find this post.  Perhaps, I might visit their website and offer them some advice on where to go!

  • Perhaps tell them to, go forth and multiply!

  • No, you make perfect sense, sorry just a bit disillusioned with people at the moment. 
    maybe I set the ‘bar’ too high, I probably set it too low. A deserted island is looking more and more appealing.

  • will they ever learn ?

    Yes.....but in cycles....endless cycles of "boom and bust" of TRUE understanding.....that is the conclusion I have reached.  The duration of each period is debatable, but the amplitude of each cycle is ever more dramatic...and that aspect of it frightens me a little!

    Ignore me.....it's  probably just the sprouts talking!

  • Happy Boxing Day, I was going to venture out later to the village pub, unfortunately ’The Hunt’ always meets there on Boxing Day, I will give it a miss. I never will understand the humans, they seem to destroy everything they come into contact with, will they ever learn ?

  • Happy Boxing Day mate.  So.....funny...I did just leave them a message....but also tried to use their poxy website .....and guess what .... it doesn't even flipping work!

    Dud advertising strategy = dud service.  Beautiful.

  • Happy Boxing Day mate.  So.....funny...I did just leave them a message....but also tried to use their poxy website .....and guess what .... it doesn't even flipping work!

    Dud advertising strategy = dud service.  Beautiful.

  • No, you make perfect sense, sorry just a bit disillusioned with people at the moment. 
    maybe I set the ‘bar’ too high, I probably set it too low. A deserted island is looking more and more appealing.

  • will they ever learn ?

    Yes.....but in cycles....endless cycles of "boom and bust" of TRUE understanding.....that is the conclusion I have reached.  The duration of each period is debatable, but the amplitude of each cycle is ever more dramatic...and that aspect of it frightens me a little!

    Ignore me.....it's  probably just the sprouts talking!

  • Happy Boxing Day, I was going to venture out later to the village pub, unfortunately ’The Hunt’ always meets there on Boxing Day, I will give it a miss. I never will understand the humans, they seem to destroy everything they come into contact with, will they ever learn ?