
Hello there I'm R. 

I'm autistic, friendless and a loner. I'm feeling depressed and I can't get a job. I've tried volunteer work to but no one will have me.

Feeling like giving up. My life sucks and so do I.

Wanted to come here and he with people who understands as everyone in my life doesn't.

  • Hi R, 

    Thanks for your post. 

    Sorry to hear you're feeling so low at the moment, that's a real shame. 

    Getting work can be really hard, I understand that. What kind of volunteer positions have you looked at? I know that many charity shops need extra staff in general. General duties would involve intake of donations, sorting, displaying, pricing up, etc. Is that something you could look at? 

    I hope you feel very welcome and at home here on the forum, it's filled with lots of lovely and supportive people :) 

  • Hi R, 

    Thanks for your post. 

    Sorry to hear you're feeling so low at the moment, that's a real shame. 

    Getting work can be really hard, I understand that. What kind of volunteer positions have you looked at? I know that many charity shops need extra staff in general. General duties would involve intake of donations, sorting, displaying, pricing up, etc. Is that something you could look at? 

    I hope you feel very welcome and at home here on the forum, it's filled with lots of lovely and supportive people :) 

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