25 and diagnosed

Hi everyone. On Tuesday I was diagnosed with autism, after over 18 months of waiting and assessments. Part of me always knew, hence the prompt to go through the assessment. But now I have it, what do I do now? It’s no straight answer, I know. But I’m interested in other peoples experiences. Big thing going through my head is how would things be different had I been diagnosed sooner? What do I do now? I don’t know. I’m feeling confused. Just anything from anyone would be really appreciated. Thank you 

  • Just gota wing it as I'd say to most it's a scary confusing world there as it is of the best of times but being autistic causes more obstacles I guess unless you find a counciler useful that's all there really is pisses me off that there's not much help or understanding for it myself. But we've just gota fight it and make the best of a *** hand were delt in life. Some on the spectrum are luckier than others some aren't unfortunately.

  • Hey! Good for you for getting the assessment, and even knowing. I am newly diagnosed and confused as well. I suppose what you can do better now is to take care of your well-being. Knowing yourself and drawing also from other people's experience and knowledge, maybe to keep from having autistic burnout.
    After 25 years of not knowing, one wonders about how things could have been different. I think about it too but it overwhelms me. Because then I start to wonder how my family would have treated me. And it becomes a never-ending thought process. I think I will write down my biggest questions, and put a time limit on how long I may think about it. Best to you.

  • I think I need to read more positives around autism and hopefully improve my self confidence as well. It certainly isn't an easy journey. Thanks for the message.

  • Mine also came from exploring my mental health. I work/ed in the field (autism amongst other things) and began to self identify whilst really struggling with MH. Was prescribed lots of medications, all of which made me feel worse. 

    I really feel the same as you! Although, I've thought I am nuts for so long - but now maybe I am just nuts & autistic, and thats ok. Thanks for your message and hope assessment etc goes ok. It was exhausting!

    I feel a bit better today and have been thinking there's no point asking what if I had known sooner because the things I've learnt may not have happened, you know? 

    Take care

  • It is far better to know where you are than to guess your entire life.  I found out I have ASD last year at the age of 53 and it has been a bit of a bombshell.  However it explains lots in my life and would have made certain things easier had I known earlier.

    I think the important thing is to not think everything is negative.  If you can mitigate the negatives as much as possible you can use the positives to your advantage.  But that is not an easy journey

  • Im 42 and on the assessment route now after being dropped that bombshell on a mental health checkup.  Pretty sure, now ive read up on what autism can do that ive pretty much been struggling with it my whole life but like you said......would i have been better if it was picked up earlier?  I would imagine it would have saved me alot of pain.  People would understand me more.  I would understand myself more.....now that ive sort of got an answer for why i am the way i am, i can learn about it....rather than just thinking im abit nuts.  Hopefully with your diagnosis, you can be more comfortable with yourself.  

    I always had a feeling something wasnt "right" but could never quite work out what the hell that was.  I wish i knew earlier.  Kind of pisses me off

  • Hi ,

    Congratulations on getting your diagnosis and welcome to the community. It's understandable that you may be feeling a little bit lost and overwhelmed.

    You may find the following page our website useful: 


    All the best,
