Relationship advice

Hi I'm Becky but everyone calls me Bex. 

Anyway, I'm autistic, I was diagnosed when I was like 9 I think. I don't remember exactly when bit it was around that age. Anyway I've always struggled with different things like sensory problems and being overloaded by people and crowded places. Usually I vomit if I get to overloaded *rolls eyes*

So anyway I've always wanted to be in a relationship, just because I've always wanted to get married and have a baby. So my sister introduced me to a guy she knows and we've been seeing each other. We haven't really done much, like not kissed yet but we have hugged. I find it a bit confusing but I'm trying really hard to make this work. 

Anyway I've always been quite childish, I still like Winnie the Pooh and children's TV programs. Yesterday my boyfriend came over and he asked if I would stop watching Winnie the Pooh, I asked why and he said it was embarrassing for someone my age to watch it.

That upset me a lot and I feel bad now. I really want our relationship to work but I can't really change who I am can i? Or do you think I should try? I don't want to be lonely.

  • What if he liked football and you say you’re not happy if he wants to watch it?

    that's a good reply, 

  • When you are with someone who cares for you. They won’t mind if you like Winnie the Pooh, I don’t see why it upsets him? I really like watching paddington bear I love those films. I think people should except you as you are. If they can’t it is their problem not yours. Why should you change what you are. What if he liked football and you say you’re not happy if he wants to watch it? Is he trying to control who you are?

  • Hey!

    Thank you for sharing your story. I hope that I am going to be able to advise you and bring some positivity to the situation.

    Firstly, please never feel that you have to change for someone - I know you may care for the person a lot and are obviously in a relationship. But at the end of the day, if they don't respect you and your ways, then maybe they are not worth the time or effort. This is not me being harsh, I have not been in a relationship properly before, but I did see someone for a few months and they asked me to change certain things about myself, the way I dressed, my interests, etc...and after a while, these things started to add up. So if your boyfriend wants you to stop watching Winnie the Pooh, there is a risk in the future that he may try to change other things in the future.

    However, despite the above, maybe you could talk with your boyfriend and teach him about autism, and that as an autistic person, we have special interests, things we enjoy to do, and explain the reason behind this. By all means, don't go into too much depth about autism, as this could be overwhelming for him, but maybe just explain enough so that he can see things from your point of view!

    (p.s. Winnie the Pooh is a great programme, I remember watching this as a young child) I'm now 24 years old and still watch my favourite cartoons, they are comforting for me)

    Good luck and I hope that you can find a solution which helps everyone involvedGrinning

  • btw, I was in one relationship only too,

    9 years+1 year still living together,

    after 7.5h in last quarel she informed me: she did not sign to be with f... asperger, it was last time we talked until 1 year, that she has a newboyfriend, 2h before new year's eve, i did not see it it coming, total knockout so to say.

    then 2.5 year later  i got diagnosed, it was half a year ago

    an art of perspective

  • Bex, never try to change who you are for another person. If you are you and accept yourself for who you are and, if possible learn to like yourself, then eventually you will find someone who likes you for you. If you change who you are for someone then theyre not really liking you, theyre liking the person your pretending to be.
    You are just right the way you are. 

    FYI im 34 and I still love High School Musical. We are never too old for the things we love! 

  • That sounds pretty dubious behaviour. Many 'adult' films seem pretty childish to me; action films, for example. There's nothing inherently wrong with you liking children's programmes- it might even be said to indicate maturity, if you can be straightforward and honest about what you like. Perhaps explain to him why his comments were hurtful and see what he says?

  • I have an example to disprove his perceived image that being composed and acting like an adult and amazing girlfriend  cannot have pooh with her or anything from childish items category 

    but it is a very convoluted chain of reasoning, i will give my example for your situation, as if I was in your situation

    In Poland there is a branch of poetry creating short, 4 or 8 lines, 8-13 sylables incorporating various rhyming sytems used to merily depict scenes from every day life called fraszki (singular is fraszka), english does not have an equivalent 

    One particular poem writer of them name Julian Tuwim, in polish culture his workings are considered childish very much like Pooh in the eyes of we know who. :P (recognise reference?straying of topic)

    Therfor he would assume that surely about all of those poems as well.

    Meaning that one particular poem as well 


    The author of the poem is JULIAN TUWIM

    Looking at its shapes,
    color, petals, buds, leaves,
    even thorns - I think: rape!
    How beautiful everything is!

    What a spotless everything!
    What a harsh perfection in her,
    Rose, rose, formalist!
    Rose, rose, fear God!

    Ergo he might never find out on what he missed out,

    Childish thing it is, is it? (another reference to well know movie character, guess who?)

    cheer up, they will queue up, if you present your case in the correct light :P

  • I'm not an expert on relationships by a long way Joy but if he can't accept those little things then.... Never change for anyone... Be you! And find the person that accepts you for you! That sounded better in my head but you get what I mean Joy

  • as a kid all three

    I am not sure if first two went on BBC, 

    french series, I would translate to ''There was life'', about workings of a human body,

    and I amnot sure who's country production it is ''Gummibears'' 

    He-man ( it went on BBC)

    and I don't have a TV, haven't seen one in years,

     on Netflix, again ''He-man'', I am a boy after all lol

  • Hi! 

    You shouldn't feel bad. It's part of you. What if winnie the pooh was nacional geographic? 

    People will always have different tastes in things. That doesn't mean they're incompatible. It's  a matter of accepting that in others, I guess. I agree with Mariusz. You should try to explain why It's important to you. 

  • Anytime someone you're dating asks you to change something you're interested in because they don't like it, and they say that it's an embarrassment, that's not a good sign. I would never change my passions for anyone just to make a relationship "work," because if they even said dare to say that kind of thing to someone they care about, it means it's not working out. "I'll only like you if you meet a certain set of conditions" doesn't work for me, and that's not unconditional love. I'd rather be happily alone with my personal interests, than be with someone who says things like that to me. 

    The thing is, who does he think makes those cartoon shows? Who does he think draws and animates them? Who takes time and money to produce them? Adults do, that's who. Adults who make a living creating cartoons and animations. And if a they ever stopped what they were doing because some idiot told them that it would be embarrassing for someone their age to be watching cartoons, they wouldn't be where they are today. 

    And besides, there's many girls who like Winnie the Pooh and other cute characters like that, and many guys know that girls will like cute things, and guys just accept it. There's a few girls I know who as adults still love Winnie the Pooh and buy merchandise for it, like blankets, mugs, photo albums, and stuff like that, because they really like it. 

  • Yeah like you I have no other relationships, this is my first one and it feels good but at the same time I feel bad because it doesn't appear to be going very well :( I feel like I'm doing everything wrong. And I know what you mean he can be quite demanding. He won't let me carry around my comfort bear when we go in town.

    Omg me too! They are so good aren't they :) What's your fave cartoon?

    Yes he's in my life intentionally, it makes me happy watching it and I can forget the world for a little while. Sometimes my mum watches it with me which is nice.

  • i call it autistic conundrum,

    something like an impossible choice and shroedinger cat paradox in one

    i never solved mine case ,cause i did not get enough more data to solve it

    you won't get either because more data in this case is more data from other relationships you've ve been in

    stuck in a closed loop 

    but there is 3rd invisible choice available to us,  that we can make in case like this

    explain it to him why it's important to you, hoping he acts like grown up man,

    he just demanded that from you btw,

    and hope love will overcome his stupid sense of false pride from showing off in front of his buddies, what amazing relationship and woman he has, because that's going in his head, he would never admit it

    i love Tiger btw, and cartoons too, still watch them :P

    pooh is in your life on purpose right? there is a need for him to be there