Relationship advice

Hi I'm Becky but everyone calls me Bex. 

Anyway, I'm autistic, I was diagnosed when I was like 9 I think. I don't remember exactly when bit it was around that age. Anyway I've always struggled with different things like sensory problems and being overloaded by people and crowded places. Usually I vomit if I get to overloaded *rolls eyes*

So anyway I've always wanted to be in a relationship, just because I've always wanted to get married and have a baby. So my sister introduced me to a guy she knows and we've been seeing each other. We haven't really done much, like not kissed yet but we have hugged. I find it a bit confusing but I'm trying really hard to make this work. 

Anyway I've always been quite childish, I still like Winnie the Pooh and children's TV programs. Yesterday my boyfriend came over and he asked if I would stop watching Winnie the Pooh, I asked why and he said it was embarrassing for someone my age to watch it.

That upset me a lot and I feel bad now. I really want our relationship to work but I can't really change who I am can i? Or do you think I should try? I don't want to be lonely.

  • Anytime someone you're dating asks you to change something you're interested in because they don't like it, and they say that it's an embarrassment, that's not a good sign. I would never change my passions for anyone just to make a relationship "work," because if they even said dare to say that kind of thing to someone they care about, it means it's not working out. "I'll only like you if you meet a certain set of conditions" doesn't work for me, and that's not unconditional love. I'd rather be happily alone with my personal interests, than be with someone who says things like that to me. 

    The thing is, who does he think makes those cartoon shows? Who does he think draws and animates them? Who takes time and money to produce them? Adults do, that's who. Adults who make a living creating cartoons and animations. And if a they ever stopped what they were doing because some idiot told them that it would be embarrassing for someone their age to be watching cartoons, they wouldn't be where they are today. 

    And besides, there's many girls who like Winnie the Pooh and other cute characters like that, and many guys know that girls will like cute things, and guys just accept it. There's a few girls I know who as adults still love Winnie the Pooh and buy merchandise for it, like blankets, mugs, photo albums, and stuff like that, because they really like it. 

  • Anytime someone you're dating asks you to change something you're interested in because they don't like it, and they say that it's an embarrassment, that's not a good sign. I would never change my passions for anyone just to make a relationship "work," because if they even said dare to say that kind of thing to someone they care about, it means it's not working out. "I'll only like you if you meet a certain set of conditions" doesn't work for me, and that's not unconditional love. I'd rather be happily alone with my personal interests, than be with someone who says things like that to me. 

    The thing is, who does he think makes those cartoon shows? Who does he think draws and animates them? Who takes time and money to produce them? Adults do, that's who. Adults who make a living creating cartoons and animations. And if a they ever stopped what they were doing because some idiot told them that it would be embarrassing for someone their age to be watching cartoons, they wouldn't be where they are today. 

    And besides, there's many girls who like Winnie the Pooh and other cute characters like that, and many guys know that girls will like cute things, and guys just accept it. There's a few girls I know who as adults still love Winnie the Pooh and buy merchandise for it, like blankets, mugs, photo albums, and stuff like that, because they really like it. 

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