Worryin about the future

Hey all, I'm 30 and autistic also with depression it's hard i have meltdowns sum times if thers to much noise, i do worry if ever I will be able ti move home becus I still lieve with my parents atm

  • Hi ,

    I am so sorry to hear that you are feeling this way and thank you for being open with the community. If you are unable to cope with the distress or despair, it’s very important to tell someone about your feelings or thoughts of suicide. Call your GP and make an urgent appointment. Your GP can make sure you get appropriate help and support.

    If it’s outside your GP hours call  111 to reach the NHS 111 service:  http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/AboutNHSservices/Emergencyandurgentcareservices/Pages/NHS-111.aspx 

    The Samaritans also provide confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day on 116 123, or by email on jo@samaritans.org.

     If you need help with an autism related issue, our helpline can be emailed via webform https://www.autism.org.uk/services/helplines/main/questions.aspx or they’re open Monday to Thursday 10am-4pm and Friday 9am-3pm on 0808 800 4104


  • Hiya. I was diagnosed at the age of 44! I spent years stuck in anxiety and worrying about things that might happen. I think the thing to focus on it what is real and right now. If you don't have to move out, then you don't need to worry, but you can maybe plan for all the things you can do and will need to do when you do move out. Break it all down in to smaller chunks so you can be in control. Like packing, finding a place and budgeting, and then break those down in to smaller and smaller chunks until you have a picture in your mind of all the different bits. Draw a diagram of it all maybe and make it like a project instead of a big unknown monster. So for example with packing you need boxes and you need tape and maybe newspaper to put fragile things in. Plan where you will get them from. You could buy boxes or you could ask a big retailer if they have any you can have ( I got a load from a toy shop, they were really happy to give them to me ), or you could ask your parents to help you get some. Then with looking, find some websites and have a goal of just looking, then maybe make some enquiries and eventually you can start just looking. It's absolutely fine to to just look and not have any real plans of moving - then you get an idea of what you can afford and what kind of thing is available for that kind of money - look at quite a few because otherwise you won't really get a good idea and the first few might not really represent what's available. Then with budgeting, once you get an idea of what you are looking for, you can start to ask questions about bills and just plan it out. I'd treat it like a school project and without making any commitments or real plans, you are then in the driving seat and WHEN you are ready, you'll know how to do it. Avoiding things doesn't help, I have wasted years of my life hiding from things, my advice is not to do what I did but to do what I have learned to do which is to plan ahead and imagine things in your head bit by little bit until you are ready to do the thing and face it head on. 

  • So sorry to hear you are crippled by depression. Maybe some of below advice helps. Keep talking :)

  • Do you receive medication for you depression. Have you spoken to your GP?

    Try focusing on the positives, of the moment. You are home with your parents. You are safe. Having a depression is not a right time for big life changes like moving away from your parents. There is no need for that. Try mindfulness, focusing on the sensations of the moment, focus on pleasant or neutral things yo can feel right now. Throw away your worries through the window, literally, open the window and make a gesture like you are throwing them away. Close the window. Don't allow yourself ruminate on the worries. Depression does pass and life start looking much more promising then. Keep talking t us, and taking your meds.

    • Hi there... I know how you feel, when Thoughts of the future enter my head, my heart sinks it frightens me, I’m 40. My life has been a disaster, I’ve been undiagnosed and very vulnerable, I’ve had no support, I’m a loner these days by choice,  my only comfort in the world is my cats, I only live for them, Depression is crippling me, it’s too much, your lucky to have nice parents to live with I’m guessing you have cats too :) . I’m Kathy by the way, I’ve just joined this group,..