Worryin about the future

Hey all, I'm 30 and autistic also with depression it's hard i have meltdowns sum times if thers to much noise, i do worry if ever I will be able ti move home becus I still lieve with my parents atm

  • Do you receive medication for you depression. Have you spoken to your GP?

    Try focusing on the positives, of the moment. You are home with your parents. You are safe. Having a depression is not a right time for big life changes like moving away from your parents. There is no need for that. Try mindfulness, focusing on the sensations of the moment, focus on pleasant or neutral things yo can feel right now. Throw away your worries through the window, literally, open the window and make a gesture like you are throwing them away. Close the window. Don't allow yourself ruminate on the worries. Depression does pass and life start looking much more promising then. Keep talking t us, and taking your meds.

  • Do you receive medication for you depression. Have you spoken to your GP?

    Try focusing on the positives, of the moment. You are home with your parents. You are safe. Having a depression is not a right time for big life changes like moving away from your parents. There is no need for that. Try mindfulness, focusing on the sensations of the moment, focus on pleasant or neutral things yo can feel right now. Throw away your worries through the window, literally, open the window and make a gesture like you are throwing them away. Close the window. Don't allow yourself ruminate on the worries. Depression does pass and life start looking much more promising then. Keep talking t us, and taking your meds.

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