Worryin about the future

Hey all, I'm 30 and autistic also with depression it's hard i have meltdowns sum times if thers to much noise, i do worry if ever I will be able ti move home becus I still lieve with my parents atm

    • Hi there... I know how you feel, when Thoughts of the future enter my head, my heart sinks it frightens me, I’m 40. My life has been a disaster, I’ve been undiagnosed and very vulnerable, I’ve had no support, I’m a loner these days by choice,  my only comfort in the world is my cats, I only live for them, Depression is crippling me, it’s too much, your lucky to have nice parents to live with I’m guessing you have cats too :) . I’m Kathy by the way, I’ve just joined this group,..
  • So sorry to hear you are crippled by depression. Maybe some of below advice helps. Keep talking :)

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