What activities make you feel good about yourself

Like many, I often struggle to manage my mental health, self-esteem and negative thoughts towards myself. However, I do have a few activities that I enjoy that just help to reframe things and make me feel positive about myself.

What activities do you enjoy that have a positive effect on your outlook?

I just started exercise again after a 3 month break and it feels wonderful. I also picked up woodworking again after a similar break and have just completed making a new workbench. It’s not brilliant, but it’s mine and I’m proud of it.

  • What is monotropic? I havnt heard this word before 

  • i dunno.
    i can do nothing and just be...i dunno... like a deactivated robot, no different doing nothing and staring at a wall compared to playing games... everything is the same feeling of nothingness for me, i guess i lost all interest in everything and everything is the same nothing. detached, uninterested. it makes me pretty effective worker drone though. and probably would make me very easily survive prison solitude, which tbh would probably be like a peaceful relaxing holiday break to me.

  • I agree with that. I find this forum such a safe place at the end of the day where I can just be myself and help and be helped 

  • Thank you. It takes a lot for me to say it, but I am trying more to recognise my positive feelings. 

    I can understand your interest in writing. It’s such a creative pursuit. So personal and individual. It’s nice to read about the positive feelings it provided for you. It sounds like the feelings I used to feel when drawing.

  • It’s really validating to be amongst an autistic community who just ‘get it’.

    This is something I have thought too. It’s been a long search, but it’s happened.

    What are your dedicated interests?

    For me, my most consistent interest is rocks and minerals. I love reading about, learning about and collecting them. My current plan is to make a wooden display shelf with personalised name plaques for my collection. What about yourself? Or would you say that it is the autism related content that you’d mentioned before?

  • What do you like to write about? Just asking because I like to write poetry.

    You should feel proud, creating your own work is an achievement.

  • I find this to be very much the case. It is nice to finally be able to turn to people who either understand through experience or just due to open acceptance of everyone else’s individual experiences.

    We autistic people are experts on our own experience. Our neurokin are very accepting, this one of the many things that make our autistic community so great. It’s really validating to be amongst an autistic community who just ‘get it’.

    I can only speak of my own experiences and perspective, but I am growing in confidence each day. Some days perhaps are a step back, but generally the move is forwards in momentum.

    Great, I am glad you are feeling more confident.

    You are welcome for the list, sometimes as humans we find it difficult to reflect on and identify our own strengths. Tunnel vision is one of the many assets that stems from our monotropic neurology. Monotropism gives us this intense focus which makes our interests so meaningful. What are your dedicated interests?

    You are very welcome for the lengthy reply, all thanks to your initial conversation starter.

  • Well done, I'm so happy you're feeling proud of yourself. It's such a nice feeling and exercise is really healthy as well.

    I like writing and at the end, even if it's short I feel so proud of what I've done and created. It leaves me feeling happy and proud and makes me want to write more.

  • You say you are learning more each day and I think you learn much more from engaging with the autistic community than from anything else.

    I find this to be very much the case. It is nice to finally be able to turn to people who either understand through experience or just due to open acceptance of everyone else’s individual experiences.

    I can only speak of my own experiences and perspective, but I am growing in confidence each day. Some days perhaps are a step back, but generally the move is forwards in momentum.

    Also, thank you for the list. It is nice to be able to reflect and relate to some of these. I also read somewhere that every area for development (a preferred term for weakness) is a strength in a different context. I like this view. My tunnel vision that can be distracting in social situations is of real benefit at work, when pattern spotting and also in pursuit of my specific interests and hobbies. 

    Thanks for taking the time to respond so thoughtfully too. It’s really appreciated.

  • Its nice to read of your interests in autism- the more knowledgeable and understanding voices the better in my opinion. I’m learning more each day. It’s nice for you to have such a positive influence in your life too I’m sure.

    Learning about autistic experience and autistic culture is definitely one of my or my main dedicated interests, I love it.

    You say you are learning more each day and I think you learn much more from engaging with the autistic community than from anything else.

    I appreciate this too- I find that I can often focus on the things I’m finding tricky and tend to write about that stuff on here. I always receive a supportive set of replies, which is always appreciated. I’m trying to learn of the positives of my autism too though, so thought I’d give something like this a go. A step forwards in that direction so to speak.’

    This is what this forum is for, we autistic people are here to support each other by sharing common experiences and giving advice. We are here for you to help you navigate difficult situations, I hope you find comfort in that. Regardless of how you feel, we autistic people will listen (metaphorically) and validate.

    It takes time to fully embrace your autistic identity, be kind and patient with yourself. You will soon learn that you are an amazing autistic person and that many strengths come from being autistic (or being neurodivergent in general). I can share some common autistic strengths if that is useful for you, maybe you can relate to some of them:

    These are my autistic strengths:

    Autistic Strengths
    • Deep and analytical thinking 
    • Monotropic focus
    • Feel very passionately and intensely - really like the ability to immerse in a flow state when engaged in my interests. When interested in something I want to know everything about it.
    • Intense interests bring so much joy- particularly researching autistic experience.
    • Creative - really love the complexity and double meanings of the English language 
    • Detail orientated - see patterns all the time 
    • Observant
    • Feel like I can really relate to and empathise with other autistic and neurodivergent people/people who are misunderstood/quiet/shy
    • Accepting of others
    • Punctual
    • Memory
    • Honesty - I say what I mean and mean what I say

    We all have our own strengths and weaknesses, but the more you learn about your autistic identity the better.

     I hope this reply is useful for you.

  • Outdoor swimming looks like it could be very relaxing. I’d like to try it at some point. I’ve never heard of mermaiding though, what does that entail? 

    stone engraving sounds good too. I’m playing around with wood carving a little.

  • Outdoor swimming and mermaiding are the main ones for me - both have been a lifeline in recent years.

    Also enjoy stone engraving/painting, gardening, Lego building, programming, reading, amongst various other hobbies!

  • I’ve always found it to be such a boost. Finding the motivation at times can be hard, but it’s really worth it when I do.

    Its nice to read of your interests in autism- the more knowledgeable and understanding voices the better in my opinion. I’m learning more each day. It’s nice for you to have such a positive influence in your life too I’m sure.

    Thanks for starting a great discussion

    I appreciate this too- I find that I can often focus on the things I’m finding tricky and tend to write about that stuff on here. I always receive a supportive set of replies, which is always appreciated. I’m trying to learn of the positives of my autism too though, so thought I’d give something like this a go. A step forwards in that direction so to speak.

  • It’s great that exercise makes you feel wonderful, it’s a natural dopamine booster.

    The activity that makes me feel most positive about myself is connecting with and helping other autistic people like on this forum. Also I love Aucademy and listening to autism podcasts. I also love chatting to my autistic friend, he has a really positive influence.

    Thanks for starting a great discussion.

  • Thank you. It feels nice to be productive again. To focus on something purely for me. I enjoy doing things for others, but don’t often find the time for myself, so it feels good. It’s definitely a discipline.

    Ah that’s great. It must be nice to make something exactly the way you want it. I enjoy decorating occasionally too.

  • Firstly, well done for completing something you are proud of.

    I like sewing so making an item of clothing is something that gives me that feeling or decorating a room.