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Has anyone tried CBD OIL to help with calming Autistic children?

  • One of my most painful moments was suddenly being asked to make an impromptu spoken presentation at a conference. There were about 250 people, all experts, or post-grad students, in my field, in the auditorium - it was at the Natural History Museum. Worse, my work was very visual, all microscopical images. Lame and halting would be a kind description of my performance.

    No, a young child is not a good candidate for CBD, for one, they cannot give accurate descriptions of how it is affecting their mood.

  • I'd have loved to have it to help with presentations in some of the jobs I was in.  Even now, after escaping from such roles, I find it helpful when I'm getting too keyed up.  

    Mind you, I'd probably not give it to a young child without medical advice and, as an adult, I take tolerance breaks so's I don't have to keep upping the dose.  

  • CBD itself does not seem to have particularly harmful adverse effects, diarrhoea being the most common, but large-scale clinical trials are few in number and the exact constituents of CBD products vary between producer companies.  See here:

    The typical low dosage of CBD gummies - 10-30 mg a day - are unlikely to cause problems. Particularly, as one test subject was given 160 mg in one dose, before a stressful public speaking event.

  • I’ve taken THC brownies and capsules. They’ve helped give me euphoria and have disconnected me from reality. 

  • Do not use this stuff on your child, you have no clue of the long lasting effects it will have on them later in life.Those who have taken CBD have started using obscene amounts as their body becomes more tolerant to the substance, its was designed for short term use not long term 

  • mymilestonecard Wrote:

    Doctors don’t know the cause of autism, but environmental and genetic factors may play a role. There’s also no cure for autism; however, a variety of interventions (like occupational and speech therapies) can lessen the severity of symptoms. One of the newest and most controversial treatment options is cannabidiol (CBD) oil, a natural substance extracted from cannabis.

  •  I have edited this as there are still people PMing me about this and are wanting to know what CBD feels like. CBD is a new medicine which is acting on the Endocannabinoid system. This is known to help treat Anxiety, sleep, mood, pain and much more. When buying CBD you have to make sure you source it from a reputable company which openly publishes lab reports on their website so you know EXACTLY what you are getting.


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  • It was a sensitive topic for me to discuss in the past, but now I am more than happy to say that CBD gummies saved my child's life. He was in agony, could not sleep or breathe. I read an article about these candies on ****** that convinced me to try them. I asked our doctor, and he said the THC level was correct. My boy loves taking them, as they are colorful and have the shape of a small bear. For the moment, it is the best alternative to calm him. Even I use them when I am stressed. They teleport me to childhood, haha.

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  • We've tried it with my son who is 10. Although it reduces stress (he worries about the tinest of things) I personally didn't want to continue with it and wanted to try other psychological methods to calm down.