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Has anyone tried CBD OIL to help with calming Autistic children?

  • It was a sensitive topic for me to discuss in the past, but now I am more than happy to say that CBD gummies saved my child's life. He was in agony, could not sleep or breathe. I read an article about these candies on ****** that convinced me to try them. I asked our doctor, and he said the THC level was correct. My boy loves taking them, as they are colorful and have the shape of a small bear. For the moment, it is the best alternative to calm him. Even I use them when I am stressed. They teleport me to childhood, haha.

    [Edited by Moderator]

  • It was a sensitive topic for me to discuss in the past, but now I am more than happy to say that CBD gummies saved my child's life. He was in agony, could not sleep or breathe. I read an article about these candies on ****** that convinced me to try them. I asked our doctor, and he said the THC level was correct. My boy loves taking them, as they are colorful and have the shape of a small bear. For the moment, it is the best alternative to calm him. Even I use them when I am stressed. They teleport me to childhood, haha.

    [Edited by Moderator]

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