Had doubts about staying on here

Earlier I felt like an outsider even on this forum, that I'm not autistic enough to feel like part of the group.  That's the story of my life, too autistic for normies, and too typical for autistics, so to speak.

  • The reason I'm on the forum is that I had problems with snail mail pen pals ( wish didn't do this in the first place); postage cost is expensive now. Thought a waste if time. 

    Now gained pen pals on the forum and chat on Facebook (asked me first and both were happy to-do this); now I'm strict myself with accepting friends request.

    When I first on the forum, members were asking me for my social media and WhatsApp. Also got out of control.

    In my profile I've got questions to ask for themselves,  before sending me a friend request.

    I don't want to be in a mess again. I struggle during winter time. 

  • You are not alone here with such feelings. I also had such a moment. Then I accept it, that at least now I found a space where I feel I’m myself. Now I feel that I fit only here and nowhere else. 
    mots pretty common here, I saw it quite many times “I’m too normal to be autistic and too autistic to be normal” 

  • I think feeling like an outsider in a forum of people who struggle to make connections is pretty reasonable. What's important is that we're here anyway.

  • Yes I can also feel like that too. I think you're part of the group, and so I suppose I must be too. Good. Let's both stay on it then Blush

  • Not feeling part of a group is typically an autistic way to feel.

    So many of us have "imposter syndrome" on here that it's become one of the things we can relate to in each other! Smile

  • I agree with Mark, we've all had times when we feel like outsiders here, especially if we're so called high functioning, we're too autistic to be excepted into the NT world and yet feel we're not autistic enough to be here, but the truth is, we all should be here. What you see here is the spectrum of the autistic spectrum, we all have different views, feelings, opinions and interests, sometimes we feel heard and understood and sometimes we don't, just like any other community. There will some people you  get on with, others you really don't and most you don't feel anything much for and those feelings will change according to what you're talking about, how both you and they are feeling that day.

  • I feel like I don't belong in most autistic communities, especially those on social media sites.

    This place is slightly better, in that the people seem more real and there's a wide variety of views, but I still don't feel like I "fit in", but I have felt like that about everywhere, so maybe it's just part of autism to not feel connections or belonging. Always the outsider looking in.

  • I think everyone feels like an outsider in here. Also, all or nothing thinking is pretty autistic. I look forward to seeing you more on here.

  • I have literally just said the same sort of thing, that I am struggling with not feeling 'autistic enough'. I think the key point is, that we are all struggling. Some of us are struggling in different ways, some of us will struggle with things that others don't. Some may struggle 'more' than others, but it's not a competition.

  • I'm not very consistent on here but it's important to me that I can dip in to communicate with other people who might understand me. Maybe it's a reason to stay. 

  • Sorry to hear that. Is it just not working for you? I guess if you feel you are not getting much out of it. I've only been here about a week, and there's been lots of interesting discussions I've seen or contributed to.

    • There are good people here
    • There is a big variety of views 
    • I don't think you are a bot 
    • You can dip in and out at will, so you don't need to deactivate your account. Take a break.
  • How do I leave the online community? 

    If you would like to leave the online community, please contact communitymanager@nas.org.uk including the email address your account is registered to.