Had doubts about staying on here

Earlier I felt like an outsider even on this forum, that I'm not autistic enough to feel like part of the group.  That's the story of my life, too autistic for normies, and too typical for autistics, so to speak.

  • You are not alone here with such feelings. I also had such a moment. Then I accept it, that at least now I found a space where I feel I’m myself. Now I feel that I fit only here and nowhere else. 
    mots pretty common here, I saw it quite many times “I’m too normal to be autistic and too autistic to be normal” 

  • You are not alone here with such feelings. I also had such a moment. Then I accept it, that at least now I found a space where I feel I’m myself. Now I feel that I fit only here and nowhere else. 
    mots pretty common here, I saw it quite many times “I’m too normal to be autistic and too autistic to be normal” 

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