Had doubts about staying on here

Earlier I felt like an outsider even on this forum, that I'm not autistic enough to feel like part of the group.  That's the story of my life, too autistic for normies, and too typical for autistics, so to speak.

  • I think everyone feels like an outsider in here. Also, all or nothing thinking is pretty autistic. I look forward to seeing you more on here.

  • I agree with Mark, we've all had times when we feel like outsiders here, especially if we're so called high functioning, we're too autistic to be excepted into the NT world and yet feel we're not autistic enough to be here, but the truth is, we all should be here. What you see here is the spectrum of the autistic spectrum, we all have different views, feelings, opinions and interests, sometimes we feel heard and understood and sometimes we don't, just like any other community. There will some people you  get on with, others you really don't and most you don't feel anything much for and those feelings will change according to what you're talking about, how both you and they are feeling that day.

  • I agree with Mark, we've all had times when we feel like outsiders here, especially if we're so called high functioning, we're too autistic to be excepted into the NT world and yet feel we're not autistic enough to be here, but the truth is, we all should be here. What you see here is the spectrum of the autistic spectrum, we all have different views, feelings, opinions and interests, sometimes we feel heard and understood and sometimes we don't, just like any other community. There will some people you  get on with, others you really don't and most you don't feel anything much for and those feelings will change according to what you're talking about, how both you and they are feeling that day.

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