Had doubts about staying on here

Earlier I felt like an outsider even on this forum, that I'm not autistic enough to feel like part of the group.  That's the story of my life, too autistic for normies, and too typical for autistics, so to speak.

  • I feel like I don't belong in most autistic communities, especially those on social media sites.

    This place is slightly better, in that the people seem more real and there's a wide variety of views, but I still don't feel like I "fit in", but I have felt like that about everywhere, so maybe it's just part of autism to not feel connections or belonging. Always the outsider looking in.

  • I feel like I don't belong in most autistic communities, especially those on social media sites.

    This place is slightly better, in that the people seem more real and there's a wide variety of views, but I still don't feel like I "fit in", but I have felt like that about everywhere, so maybe it's just part of autism to not feel connections or belonging. Always the outsider looking in.

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