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This surge in far-right violence is frightening me. I'm dreaming about it and having trouble focusing at the moment. My sensitivities seem to kick off badly when stuff like this is going on.

I keep away from the news best I can but it seems to be everywhere.

How do you deal with the issues out there today?

  • There is something to be said for that.  "Watching the news during troublesome times can take a toll on our mental health. When major world events are taking place, we can find ourselves hooked on the news and feeling as though we need to know everything, but this behaviour, known as doomscrolling, can be to the detriment of our mental health.  ... ":

  • There have been a few examples include the "Poll tax riot" in London on 31 March 1990.  Also the "Kill the Bill" protest in Bristol in March 2021, the riot began outside Bridewell police station, in the centre of the city, on Sunday 21 March 2021 as the culmination of a protest against what became the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. Police vans were set on fire, including one containing officers.

  • I adore the scots and their sense of humour without getting into politics I was so pleased they remained they provide great comfort for me and the union

  • Scotland is staying out of the violence

    This reminds me of when I lived in Glasgow during the student riots of 1985 - there were hundreds of thousands of students marching through the streets protesting about student fees being introduced and whenever we passed by a pub then big chunks of the group would dissapear into the pub for a swift pint before staggering out to join the back of the march.

    By the end half were legless and had forgotten what they were protesting about.

    It was all pretty good natured with a fair bit of creative changing about Thatcher at the time - not quite a far right hate driven event like we are seeing but then again the Scots do seem more tolerant to foreigners in general than the English.

    I guess it is because of the bad experience many of us felt whenever we were in England - certainly I get ribbed about my accent even these days when in England and have jokes made about my nationality.

    I'm not sure I could put up with the Scottish weather again though - the food is bad enough on its own Slight smile

  • Nothing justifies what those abhorrent thugs have been doing.

  • Scotland is staying out of the violence


  • Regardless of any legitimate concerns people have, it was spooky to see so many people walking down in masks. I wasn't sure what they were hoping for.

  • Thankfully they decided to congregate down the road and I'm not seeing reports of violence at least. 

    I'm very glad to hear that and thank you for letting us know.

    I was just going through the BBC site skim reading the events that have and are taking place including attacking medical staff.

    Those medical staff (especially those from 'ethnic minorities') are being targetted by the louts and told to travel in groups.

    This country is making me ashamed to be a citizen.

    Scotland is staying out of the violence - I think I need to move very up norf!

  • It i horrible, I find it incredible that people are going along to watch, like it's some kind of entertainment!

    I'm concerned for my lovely daughter in law, she's Indian and is currently living alone, if trouble kicks off in her area she will try and get here, or I may have to go and get her, if I can.

  • Thank you. Thankfully they decided to congregate down the road and I'm not seeing reports of violence at least. 

  • I feel for you I was terrified by the London riots in 2011.I get scared of stock market crashes.Advice I have been given is to try and switch off think is there anything you can do about this answer no.

    Try and maybe go somewhere relaxing beautiful gardens or a swim somewhere 

  • Nearly 400 of the *** have been arrested so far.

    [edited by moderator]

  • I just Googled "Left wing riots in the UK" and got zero relevant hits. You might need to check your sources for veracity.

  • Please will you check in tomorrow, just so we know things are OK or not? That sounds horrible.

  • Football season is about to start,  so potential rioters will be too busy at matches to riot in the street.

  • There's one planned for 5pm on my road

    I'm really sorry to hear that

    That's awful.

    You and your loved ones will be in my thoughts.

  • There's one planned for 5pm on my road, so that's delightful...

  • Immigration and the issue of terrorism is a long standing problem.

    "Embassy staff were also warned to be vigilant about the addresses in the UK given by
    applicants. In a letter from Patrick Walker in the Home Office to Trevor Gatty in the FCO,
    Walker remarked that “[m]ost terrorists have given London addresses on their visa
    applications” and that a solution to terrorists giving false addresses would be to provide
    visa officers with copies of the London telephone directory “so that they have some means
    of checking quickly the addresses in those cases where they have doubts about the
    applicant’s bona fides.”   65. Letter from P. J. Walker to T. T. Gatty, August 26, 1980, FCO 50/685, NA

    While my father was head of migration and visa dept at the FO1980-1981.

  • previous years of riots under far left wing activists
    20 years of far left wing riots we had 5 times per year on average.
    while far left wing riots they happen none stop because they have no work to go to so its harder to predict when they will end.

    I know what you mean.

    Brighton is terrible for left wing riots and it's always been known as a left-wing sort of place.

    In fact, they even sometimes get Green Councillors in.


    There was riotous rioting in Brighton this weekend, which was odd because they clearly had no jobs to go to in the week:

  • Blush Stuck out tongue closed eyes Blush

    Me too.

    Thank you for the smile....