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This surge in far-right violence is frightening me. I'm dreaming about it and having trouble focusing at the moment. My sensitivities seem to kick off badly when stuff like this is going on.

I keep away from the news best I can but it seems to be everywhere.

How do you deal with the issues out there today?

  • i tend to ignore it, aside from the occasional comment and comparison to previous years of riots under far left wing activists which everyone seems to think was ok..

    basically we are used to riots, they are normal in society because the far left made them normal.

    what isnt normal is the police response, in past riots police and gov did nothing and allowed it, and the media praised rioters as angels and benevolent and morally justified.... the only difference now is the authoritarian police reponse and the media hate. otherwise no different to the 20 years of far left wing riots we had 5 times per year on average... another difference is these riots likely will stop now as its the working day now, notice how they happen on weekend and then they stop? .... while far left wing riots they happen none stop because they have no work to go to so its harder to predict when they will end.

    its very easy to stay away from them really.... i saw a drone video of a riot and when you see it from the top, its not that big, its often focused on one small area and unless your house is coincidentally on that exact spot your often ok.

  • I just Googled "Left wing riots in the UK" and got zero relevant hits. You might need to check your sources for veracity.

Reply Children
  • What is being forced on us now is a form of communism, leftism, socialism and Marxism, which is also corporatist, with elements of fascism, but by leftists on behalf of their globalist deep state masters - they are not directly referring to it yet, but they are smearing real patriots as being “far right” to disguise the fact that they are “far left” and are acting on behalf of their globalist deep state masters - either way it is by design to collapse the concept of the nation state and the traditional family values system, most of which has been achieved in decades past by the infiltration and corruption of all the institutions through the “long March” through the institutions of state, government, courts, milltary, churches, etc 

  • Google is well known for hiding and censoring the truth as Google are leftist and corporatist in defence of the globalist deep state and of leftists who serve them 

  • None specifically promoting Socialist or Communist ideology - redistribution of wealth, public ownership of the means of production or the dictatorship of the proletariat. Unlike the ones promoting Fascistic ideology - persecution of racial and religious minorities and their scapegoating, extreme militaristic nationalism, contempt for electoral democracy and political and cultural liberalism, a belief in natural social hierarchy and the rule of elites, and the desire to create social system in which individual interests are subordinated to the good of the nation state. Most of these Fascist tropes have been either obvious in the recent rioting, or are the goals of those orchestrating the thuggery from behind the scenes. 

  • There have been a few examples include the "Poll tax riot" in London on 31 March 1990.  Also the "Kill the Bill" protest in Bristol in March 2021, the riot began outside Bridewell police station, in the centre of the city, on Sunday 21 March 2021 as the culmination of a protest against what became the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022. Police vans were set on fire, including one containing officers.