Living in the Twilight Zone

How would you describe autism. I think it should be called "twilight zone disorder." its like starts off nice and innocent,  the main protagonist is unsuspecting, then they realise they've fallen into a dark world and it always ends badly. Like a black cloud follows, them and curses them. Like a curse of a monkey paw or something. Yeah.

OF COURSE Y0.O cAn aLwAyS mAsK. Not that it will be convincing or anything, but you'll appear maybe a few percentage points less weird.

  • JoyJoy Ok good, my bad!!! Sorry, I can't really read the room. it might have something to do with the autism ThinkingJoy I hope all will be well in your future! Have a good evening ^_^

  • "I said, 'Kiss me, you're beautiful!' These are truly the Last Days!

    ('The Dead Flag Blues' by Godspeed You! Black Emperor)

  • I'm going through to much personal things right now, on my mind, i couldn't court you, if i tried!

    foul writhing creature beyond mortal comprehension.

    Self deprecation... Not fine at all! Smile

    I'm all about the offense. Always on the offensive. Intentional or otherwise !

  • I am a foul writhing creature beyond mortal comprehension. Not fine at all!

    Apologies, I can't tell if you are joking Sob

    Just in case you aren't joking, I hope you don't mind if I give a bit of advice. When aiming to befriend women, you should avoid talking about their attractiveness unless you are actively trying to court them. Some women will take offense to spontaneous advances.

    Sorry if you were joking and I made it awkward Sweat smile

  • Diddy do it? You heard that new slim shady release, he goes against gen z on it, i'm not even a fan of him, havent listened since i was a teenager. but he has some sick lines. Hate him or love him , he's got talent. Can't take that away from him.

  • I'm East Coast. Listening to Biggie now. No Diddy though.

  • I was too straight-laced to do bad s**t; then.

    But, now, I'm more accepting of the behaviour of others.

  • I don't tell me that, you turning me on Choco Sweat smile  

    I imagine you 22, and fine as hell. I have a twisted imagination.

  • never give up!!!!!!!!!!!!! its isolating being in a community of only NT people. My hometown is like that. It may mean you have to travel, or find communities online, but you can always find someone!! even one person makes a huge difference. for ages, I only really had the one friend. i hope you can find more autistic people. You can always message me! Sunglasses

  • Wessside homie. Me? west side is the best side. West is the best.

  • What region of the  country are you in? I'm in the East Midlands.

  • I've only ever met a handful of people with autism irl. Though I did get along with them, sort of. But ...yeah, I can see where you're coming from, it's by no means easy.  It's a heatwave right now in UK. lol, a woman can be sweaty, greasy, not washed her hair, and still be considered cute and endearing, but that's...just, women get more slack in that regard, but yeah, the treated like a child thing is universal, belittled, all that. Animal, freak, all that. I only ever met one self admitted autistic woman, i liked her, she was blunt and straight to the point, straight forward. 99% of people i've know are NT. I don't know any local weirdo clubs. It's a saturnalia of NT debauchery and alcoholism, drug use, and NT ways everywhere around me. Id love to meet some nerdy autists i could get along with. But I've given up on, all that!

  • We had an old abandoned house we used to go in to.  Abandoned houses remind me of this Rem video.

  • I see where you are coming from, but everyone is different. Even an attractive woman will only get so far on looks alone; when it comes to forming closer friendships, their autistic traits may cause people to misinterpret their actions or words. And women who AREN'T attractive get bullied relentlessly.

    I was BUTT ugly as a kid, I stank, I had no boundaries. I was very off putting LOL! As a teenager, I learned to morph into something more socially acceptable, but it made me miserable. I got to 20, and I was just like, I GIVE UP! Now I dress weird, I say what I want, I talk to whoever I fancy, I like whatever I like. Plenty of people find me annoying and strange. But then, why would I even want to talk to them, anyway?!

    It IS hard making friends as an autistic person. That is certainly true. My first year of uni, I had 'friends' but they would go out without me and treated me like I was a child. I have been treated less like a person and more like an animal by people for a lot of my life. Even now, I still get it. At work, at uni, etc.

    I have found that making friends with autistic people and other "weird" people has been amazing. I can speak to them candidly about how I feel without fear of being misunderstood. I can be myself.

    Gender certainly makes a difference in how one is treated, especially with autism, as women are more likely to mask their features, which may give them a higher degree of social acceptability. It is a topic of deep interest to me as someone whose dissertation will be on the subject!

    HOWEVER! We share many problems as well! At the end of the day, male or female, we are still autistic! I get people looking at me like a freak! I get people laughing at me, at the way I dress, the way I look. I get people staring at me judgementally when I speak. Some people SUCK. But some people are really nice. If someone treats you badly, that's THEIR problem, not yours.

    Find people with the same interests and geek out about it with them. I'm in an anime society and a gaming society. These people are great! I play DND with my friends! Honestly, half of the reason I'll befriend someone is due to a shared interest! I love being a weirdo, because my friends are weirdos too!!!!!! And I love them!!!!!!!!

  • I never went that far. But me and my friend did try to operate a mans vehicle, at a golf course once, it was left unattended. When i was 12. He caught me in time though. It was a weird quad bike thing. Maybe it was for cuttin the grass , i have no idea, its so long ago.

    Loved to explore abandoned places, houses though. Always with the mischief.  opportunism + boredom = delinquency

  • I remember me and two pals were operating a crane on this building site once. Definitely the most dangerous thing I did as a teen. I'm making myself sound like a delinquent to the respectable folk on here now. haha

  • I never sniffed glue. I knew one kid in school art class who did. I thought that was kinda degenerate. Then i pretended to sniff glue as a joke. It did nothing for me. I didnt get it. Still don't. My only drug at the time was maybe...chocolate. Yeah, good ol days, year 5. hedgehopping??, oh yeah, I remember being out all night a gang of us, just clearing entire street. Fun days. In the UK.

  • Why am I not shocked! haha.  Me too mate. I was very mischievous.   Smoking, Hedgehopping, Sniffing glue. I can't believe I've just admitted the glue sniffing part. haha

  • Scar tissue - red hot chili peppers... Hmnn yeah, we all have war wounds. But I'm not iron man, more like robocop after the battle with ed209, all shot up but still functioning. Damn I'm such a nerd.

    Pagan, that kinda like, reminds me of Italian Catholics with their saints isn't it, they call on saint Michael or whoever, to protect them. Maybe wear little pendants or have a bobble head of Jesus on their dashboard. In hope they wont crash their car. I'm off on another tangent.

    Hey, i was just checking out biblically accurate angels the other day...if you called on one of them, and they appeared, you'd probably have nightmares

  • I remember playing in the streets with freinds, football, climbing trees, vandalism, plying with toys, and watching cartoons. I was a little bit of a troublemaker.