Living in the Twilight Zone

How would you describe autism. I think it should be called "twilight zone disorder." its like starts off nice and innocent,  the main protagonist is unsuspecting, then they realise they've fallen into a dark world and it always ends badly. Like a black cloud follows, them and curses them. Like a curse of a monkey paw or something. Yeah.

OF COURSE Y0.O cAn aLwAyS mAsK. Not that it will be convincing or anything, but you'll appear maybe a few percentage points less weird.

  • It's the unleashing of demons.

    The devil's in this world. We're witnessing those we used to look up to, and admire, suddenly possessed by Dark Forces.

  • I know a spiritual woman who really believes all this, I on the other hand am more, a touch it, taste, it feel its, only believe in tanglible things .(Although I don't discount metaphysical unknowns) If anybody is candidate for possession its me. But i'm more a Jekyl and hyde. Polite, but i might throw a brick through your window. If i'm made unhinged, ( POSSSESED BY DARK FORCES, whichever you prefer) and NT's can and do trigger me.

    Though I find NT's to be more savage than any autistic could ever be. They are so efficiently ruthless. Its this so called 'double empathy' gap.

  • My childhood wasn't happy, my adulthood has been better, I've been on a long journey of healing and recovery, I wasn't diagnosed until I was 50. I don't feel that "dark forces" have taken over people I've knpwn for years, largely because there aren't any, I'm bad at keeping up friendships.

    I was pigeon holed long before any diagnosis, now I'm not pigeon holed and I won't be pigeon holed, I've taken over the whole roost!

  • Scar tissue - red hot chili peppers... Hmnn yeah, we all have war wounds. But I'm not iron man, more like robocop after the battle with ed209, all shot up but still functioning. Damn I'm such a nerd.

    Pagan, that kinda like, reminds me of Italian Catholics with their saints isn't it, they call on saint Michael or whoever, to protect them. Maybe wear little pendants or have a bobble head of Jesus on their dashboard. In hope they wont crash their car. I'm off on another tangent.

    Hey, i was just checking out biblically accurate angels the other day...if you called on one of them, and they appeared, you'd probably have nightmares

  • I'm a stubborn person, I used to use all this stubborness in a way that hurt me, that confirmed all the negativity about me from outside, then I wondered what would happen if I turned all that stubborness into possitiveness, so I gave it go and it seemed to work, theres still a part of me that does it as a big F**k You to the people who abused and denigrated me, who tried to destroy me to satisfy some sick need in themselves. So now here I am battle scarred, wobbly and determined that I won't be anyones football ever again.

    I'm a Pagan so I have lots of Gods and Goddesses to call upon for help and they do listen, they even answer, if you listen carefully and in the right way, just don't expect a phone call!

    Just keep your aura teflon coated and let all the crap slide off, even if you do have to reapply the teflon a couple of times a day.

  • I'm a stubborn person, I used to use all this stubborness in a way that hurt me, that confirmed all the negativity about me from outside, then I wondered what would happen if I turned all that stubborness into possitiveness, so I gave it go and it seemed to work, theres still a part of me that does it as a big F**k You to the people who abused and denigrated me, who tried to destroy me to satisfy some sick need in themselves. So now here I am battle scarred, wobbly and determined that I won't be anyones football ever again.

    I'm a Pagan so I have lots of Gods and Goddesses to call upon for help and they do listen, they even answer, if you listen carefully and in the right way, just don't expect a phone call!

    Just keep your aura teflon coated and let all the crap slide off, even if you do have to reapply the teflon a couple of times a day.

  • Scar tissue - red hot chili peppers... Hmnn yeah, we all have war wounds. But I'm not iron man, more like robocop after the battle with ed209, all shot up but still functioning. Damn I'm such a nerd.

    Pagan, that kinda like, reminds me of Italian Catholics with their saints isn't it, they call on saint Michael or whoever, to protect them. Maybe wear little pendants or have a bobble head of Jesus on their dashboard. In hope they wont crash their car. I'm off on another tangent.

    Hey, i was just checking out biblically accurate angels the other day...if you called on one of them, and they appeared, you'd probably have nightmares