Sport, Sport and more Sport

Everything messed up again tonight on telly, because of football, then next week more football and tennis to muck everything up even more. Some of us hate sport, the only way I would notice if sport dropped off the planet would be because tv schedules wern't messed up. I think it's a waste of licence fee money, why can't the terresrial channels get together and have a seperate free to view sports channel seeing as it seems so important?

Rant over.... for now!

  • Well now we've got Wimbledon, another pointless occupation of broadcast time, then we'll have the olympics and paraolympics, where' we're all supposed to be happy and patriotic flag wavers, for all the sports people that are "doing it for the country and its people", well I didn't ask them to do it, if they want to do stuff like that, fine, but don't expect everyone else to support your cod patriotism. I think it's all attention seeking.

  • Football is the most overrated sport and I don't get why so many people obsess over a game of kicking an inflated ball.

  • Three channels of sport this evening BBC 1 and 2 have football and channel 4 have motor racing, what the point of motor racing? You might as well put a load of wasps in a tube and watch them and the noise would be similar!

  • You wern't being patronising! Well it sounded like it and still does. It might not be essential like food and water, but for me I like telly and most of what I watch is on BBC.

  • The times that I am not totally indifferent to sport, I actively hate and despise it, i.e. whenever it negatively impacts my life, such as traffic queues on match days.

  • I wasn't being patronising. I was just making a suggestion. If you don't like the BBC, then vote with your feet and stop using the service.

  • It's contemporary war. Sad as it sounds. It is true. 

    A sad indictment of societies current plight, we have quasi war and actual war. 

    I'm just deflecting really, as it took me forty years to realise I didn't like it. What I will say though is that despite the mechanics of it, as you have rightly said is just 22 men chasing a pig bladder. Culturally, football is far ranging and multifaceted, especially when considered in conjunction to to British Class system and religion. 

    Sorry.........went on a ramble there. Flushed

  • Hi Cat Woman, 

    I am a dog man personally.

    Anyhow, no need to plug anything in with a Smart T.V. it works via WiFi. And with today's technology as it is, it talks you through the set up process. It is a pretty simple process (I suppose everything is if you have done it before). I am sure somebody on here could guide you through it if you have any issues. The problem with a Smart T.V. is if your of innattentive by nature, there is just TO MUCH on them - that's the qyst of why I cannot have a T.V. in my house. That and advertising drives me NUTS! 

    Personally, I think there great, as they have Bluetooth, which allows you to watch programs undisturbed, if you have noise cancelling headphones. Occasionally, being able to be absorbed in a program or film works wonders for your mental health if you have a neurodiverse condition. 

    I hope that helps. 

    Note: I know the message I've added just on the top of the feed says I haven't owned a T.V. for fifteen years. Artistic licence. Thumbsup

  • There must be something in the air. Flushed I think the BBC are monitoring this feed. Thinking

    I was on here yesterday, contributing, as you do. Then today, out of no where, I had a visit (while, warning letter, I don't answer the door) saying I am being investigated for not having a T.V. licence. Two issues there: 

    1. I don't own a T.V. and haven't for over fifteen years. 
    2. I don't watch T.V. as I have a pathological dislike of advertising.

    We're onto you BBC! Joy

  • I player is a pain in the bum, stuff isn't automatically available often until at least after the program you want to watch has ended, which then messes up other things, if you can find it at all that is? Our equipment is getting on a bit and we have to have a cable connection from the hub which is diagonally opposite the tv and can't be moved without a whole load fiddling about weith aerial sockets and phone/internetsockets. Everytime openrach try and make improvements things get worse and then it s the hassle of trying to get hold of them and actually explaining whats happening and getting them to believe me. We have to contact BT, our service provider to do some stuff, they have to contact openreach to other stuff, it's a monumental hassle. We have limited options of service providers here, no cable for example and I'm not paying extra to have what sky chooses to allow us. Having walls made of mixed materials makes wireless signals either not get through at all or intermitantly cut out, our phones lines are overhead too which with the amount and severity of storms here adds another layer of hassle.

    If it aint broke, we're not going to try and fix it, especially if it involves independent trades such as electricians and the like.

    Also what of the people who have no access to iplayer becaue they hav no broad band and don't know how to use it, there are quite a few people on the island who have no clue about digital services. Some area's are very poorly served, I lived for 9 years in a place with no mobile signal and very intermitant broad band, it was so bad at 3am when they did a speed test, that they volunteered to cut our bills and give us a rebate.

  • I spent the last 40 years pretending to be interested in Football because that's what men were supposed to do, it's a relief now being able to actively ignore it. It was a joy responding to people x years ago that I didn't even watch England in the world cup finals - such a change.

    I'm interested though what it is you're missing on TV you can't watch on iPlayer?

    I can't remember the last time I watched live TV (apart from whatever easy to watch Police Interceptor programme happens to be on while I'm eating my tea).  Is there a whole world of TV I don't know about which doesn't go on iPlayer? 

  • Oh thank you Mark for telling me how to live with your patronising response, I'd never thought of switching channels or reading a book without your suggestion.

  • Watching that stuff isn't essential. You could read books or listen to music instead.

    Or try to get them to change the law and stop the BBC ripping off customers of other TV companies, and then watch Channel 4 and Channel 5 etc instead.

  • Well I could do that and risk being fined for the watching the stuff I do on there.

  • You could just stop paying the BBC for their services.

  • Can I recommend Cameroon? They're a good team. African Cup of nations winners 5 times, and the first African team to reach the World Cup quarter-finals (and beat the World Champions Argentina on the way there).

  • Yeah can't stand it why people enjoy watching a leather ball inflated with air interesting I don't know

  • I got the same earlier - I noticed it showed the red box on the top right telling me it had gone offline and it looked like my post had dissapeared.

    I went to the index (clicking on the NAS icon on the top left) and then back on the thread I replied to and my reply was waiting there for me to click on the RELPY button again.

    It may be worth trying this if it happens to you again,