Sport, Sport and more Sport

Everything messed up again tonight on telly, because of football, then next week more football and tennis to muck everything up even more. Some of us hate sport, the only way I would notice if sport dropped off the planet would be because tv schedules wern't messed up. I think it's a waste of licence fee money, why can't the terresrial channels get together and have a seperate free to view sports channel seeing as it seems so important?

Rant over.... for now!

  • The Olympics starts on July 26th. 

  • Yeah, great, the olympics, another waste of money and no decent tv until at least september and probably not much of that because all the budget will have been used up on sport.


    I record stuff and rarely watch it live, I've usually got a 20 min lag between when the program starts and when I'm ready to watch it. Thats of when it's on time, on the right channel and hasn't been moved to the middle of the night. My humax box is getting old and I don't know if it's that, or our internet or if the really long cable we have to have to go from the hub to the box is the problem, but it was painful trying to watch Channel 4 on demand the other night, you can't avoid adverts and it takes so long to load and theres loads of buffering.

    I watch tv with my Mum in the living room, not locked away in my room, with the humax box being the way it is I dread to think what it would be like trying to watch on you-tube or something and we have no subscriptions.

    I was thinking of a smart tv, but don't really know much about them, if I'd be able to use one, would it do what I want it too, would Mum be able to get her head round using it, she's even worse with tech than me. Given the broad band problems with our house would I still have to plug one into the hub, are they wireless, would I have to have a dongle or what? I find it very difficult to get answers from shop staff, when there are any and they tend to rattle off a load of stuff that isn't what I asked and when, Paxman like, I keep repeating the question they get cross and we all get frustrated and I leave feeling even more alienated and confused.

  • Hi Cat Woman, 

    I am a dog man personally.

    Anyhow, no need to plug anything in with a Smart T.V. it works via WiFi. And with today's technology as it is, it talks you through the set up process. It is a pretty simple process (I suppose everything is if you have done it before). I am sure somebody on here could guide you through it if you have any issues. The problem with a Smart T.V. is if your of innattentive by nature, there is just TO MUCH on them - that's the qyst of why I cannot have a T.V. in my house. That and advertising drives me NUTS! 

    Personally, I think there great, as they have Bluetooth, which allows you to watch programs undisturbed, if you have noise cancelling headphones. Occasionally, being able to be absorbed in a program or film works wonders for your mental health if you have a neurodiverse condition. 

    I hope that helps. 

    Note: I know the message I've added just on the top of the feed says I haven't owned a T.V. for fifteen years. Artistic licence. Thumbsup

  • Hi Cat Woman, 

    I am a dog man personally.

    Anyhow, no need to plug anything in with a Smart T.V. it works via WiFi. And with today's technology as it is, it talks you through the set up process. It is a pretty simple process (I suppose everything is if you have done it before). I am sure somebody on here could guide you through it if you have any issues. The problem with a Smart T.V. is if your of innattentive by nature, there is just TO MUCH on them - that's the qyst of why I cannot have a T.V. in my house. That and advertising drives me NUTS! 

    Personally, I think there great, as they have Bluetooth, which allows you to watch programs undisturbed, if you have noise cancelling headphones. Occasionally, being able to be absorbed in a program or film works wonders for your mental health if you have a neurodiverse condition. 

    I hope that helps. 

    Note: I know the message I've added just on the top of the feed says I haven't owned a T.V. for fifteen years. Artistic licence. Thumbsup

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