Sport, Sport and more Sport

Everything messed up again tonight on telly, because of football, then next week more football and tennis to muck everything up even more. Some of us hate sport, the only way I would notice if sport dropped off the planet would be because tv schedules wern't messed up. I think it's a waste of licence fee money, why can't the terresrial channels get together and have a seperate free to view sports channel seeing as it seems so important?

Rant over.... for now!

  • Some of us hate sport

    I can't stand football but worked for a major football organisation for 5 years - I wan't afraid to tell my colleagues that I had no interest in it and in fact it was a benefit as I wasn't distracted by the business and could focus on the job I had to do in the IT team.

    It did get me some odd reactions when I was helping the managers of Arsenal of Man City when they couldn't connect their computer to the screens as they seemed to expect me to be fawning over them.  They were a bit taken aback when I pointed out (using stern school teacher mode) that they hadn't even connected the cable so it was their fault.

    Even when players were coming in for their awards for best player etc I didn't know who they were which made some of them puzzled. I really couldn't care less.

    I've pretty much given up on terrestrial TV and used streaming or downloading to get the programs I want and watch them on my schedule. I dislike being tied to the schedule of others but that is probaby linked to Pathalogical Demand Avoidance.

  • It's happened again today too,

Reply Children
  • I got the same earlier - I noticed it showed the red box on the top right telling me it had gone offline and it looked like my post had dissapeared.

    I went to the index (clicking on the NAS icon on the top left) and then back on the thread I replied to and my reply was waiting there for me to click on the RELPY button again.

    It may be worth trying this if it happens to you again,