Sport, Sport and more Sport

Everything messed up again tonight on telly, because of football, then next week more football and tennis to muck everything up even more. Some of us hate sport, the only way I would notice if sport dropped off the planet would be because tv schedules wern't messed up. I think it's a waste of licence fee money, why can't the terresrial channels get together and have a seperate free to view sports channel seeing as it seems so important?

Rant over.... for now!

  • Yeah can't stand it why people enjoy watching a leather ball inflated with air interesting I don't know

  • It's contemporary war. Sad as it sounds. It is true. 

    A sad indictment of societies current plight, we have quasi war and actual war. 

    I'm just deflecting really, as it took me forty years to realise I didn't like it. What I will say though is that despite the mechanics of it, as you have rightly said is just 22 men chasing a pig bladder. Culturally, football is far ranging and multifaceted, especially when considered in conjunction to to British Class system and religion. 

    Sorry.........went on a ramble there. Flushed

  • It's contemporary war. Sad as it sounds. It is true. 

    A sad indictment of societies current plight, we have quasi war and actual war. 

    I'm just deflecting really, as it took me forty years to realise I didn't like it. What I will say though is that despite the mechanics of it, as you have rightly said is just 22 men chasing a pig bladder. Culturally, football is far ranging and multifaceted, especially when considered in conjunction to to British Class system and religion. 

    Sorry.........went on a ramble there. Flushed

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