I feel lonely as hell

I saw someone who works for the mental health team today and for the umpteenth time they've left me feeling worse, not better, after seeing them, but I carry on with it because I don't want to upset the apple cart and am waiting to be transferred to a new Autism team. 

I have no friends, no one to confide in, I just feel like crying.

  • I flip between liking having therapy sessions and not doing. Sometimes having the sessions makes me focus on my issues more and that makes me feel less positive about myself. Other times I feel it helps to talk and let stuff out. Having a cry sometimes helps too , so don't bottle it up.

    Try and find some distractions, maybe a sci-fi series if you're into that kind of thing. I find anything that's sci-fi, unexplained things like UFOs or Bigfoot makes for a distraction, that kind of TV is a a break from reality.

    Take care, hope you feel better soon and get yourself lined up with the new team. We are social animals even though autism makes social situations extremely stressful and hard, we still crave the connection, I think sometimes more so than neuro typical people do as we feel things so much more intensity , so we miss it just as much, if not more, when we have nobody around. 

  • Try watching "Autism From the Inside" videos. I find them very soothing and positive and there are people responding to them in the comments who you may connect with, as well as here on the forum. Let's hope your team can also add to your well being.

  • I get that, sometimes I leave messages for days as it can be stressful in a constant text, I know it's not easy but hopefully you find your own way to cope, all the best man.

  • Understood brother.  Rest easy.

  • I would say try and find an Autism group and keep banging at the Door of your GP Now I am diagnosed I get regular support and advice.

    You should via your GP have access to Talk Therapy and they may even be able to get you a consultant Psychiatrist.

    It is difficult I know but you have to keep battling also being on here is great and supportive

  • Thanks for the reply, I'm too mentally worn out to make an interesting or tactful reply but I appreciate your thoughts and sympathy.

  • I'm too overwhelmed with everything to write much of a response but thank you.

  • I'm sorry to hear this I do understand for me just making them is extremely hard work and tiresome but strangely I'm ok by myself but I get the feeling of loneliness, I can be in a crowd of people and feel like that.

    Sometimes the little things help for me something as simple as putting my headphones on massively helps, it's my little world to relax and decompress, perhaps you need to find that thing you feel confident doing on your own.

    I'm new to this site but more than happy to try to chat, I just hope your day is ok.

  • Please don't be cross with me.....I know this makes me sound like a bit of a try-to-do-gooder-helmet-type......but I prefer that impression being created about myself compared to the thought of you getting sore eyes and sinking deeper into lonely isolation.  I care, because I have been where you describe....at times I just needed something - anything - to keep me looking up, rather than staring down into the abyss.

    I simply suggest a walk to you.  Nothing fancy, no aim, rhyme nor reason....just a simple walk.

    When I was "proper down", being proactive with myself, was what kept me sane (just about!)

    A walk enabled me to feel connected to the world, even though I wasn't......and that kept me going until I was ready (or the world was ready, depending on your perspective) for some better connections to develop.  And in case you are wondering - yes, things did, eventually, after a long dark time, improve for me.

    Don't despair......you only need one to care......and whilst I am sure there are others around you that you can't see yet.....let me assure you that I can be your "one to care" at this moment........because I do.

    Your weirdass "friend" of sorts.
