I feel lonely as hell

I saw someone who works for the mental health team today and for the umpteenth time they've left me feeling worse, not better, after seeing them, but I carry on with it because I don't want to upset the apple cart and am waiting to be transferred to a new Autism team. 

I have no friends, no one to confide in, I just feel like crying.

  • Try watching "Autism From the Inside" videos. I find them very soothing and positive and there are people responding to them in the comments who you may connect with, as well as here on the forum. Let's hope your team can also add to your well being.

  • Try watching "Autism From the Inside" videos. I find them very soothing and positive and there are people responding to them in the comments who you may connect with, as well as here on the forum. Let's hope your team can also add to your well being.

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