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Rubbish response

I've recently been diagnosed as autistic and it's been an up and down experience since I found out for sure even though I was certain myself before it was official. I'm a man with kids of my own but I thought I'd share the news with my parents to let them know why I've struggled in life but all I got was ' oh right at least you know, how are the kids?.' These people have been less then supportive throughout my whole life and that's putting it mildly. Should I just cut them off now because I was never happier then when I didn't speak to them for years.

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    Sharon Mod
  • You are a good energy, Pixiefox (in my opinion).  Intuitive, measured and sound...and most importantly, aware/not afraid to sound trite - good advice ALWAYS sounds trite, (in my opinion.)  Thank you for being here Pixiefox.

  • Thankyou so much for this comment.its true other people don't understand what happens in our lives and maybe I shouldn't expect them too as I don't understand their troubles. I do appreciate the words of support though.

  • I would like to apologise for last nights exchange of comments I was hurting and reacted in a way unlike me but you also seemed to target me. If you don't accept my apology then that's fine but it's there anyway and I hope you find happiness genuinely.

  • I have tried very hard to ignore the endless posts on here that cause me pain and I have tried very hard to be a positive and helpful member of this forum.

    But last night some random turned up and posted a string of foul mouthed abuse at me, including an absolutely unforgivably cruel jibe, and what was the result? Everyone rallied around them and wished them well.

    Even in your last post you chose to call me out without a word of criticism for what that scumbag said to me.

    So it is now very clear indeed to me how I am thought of on this forum,

  • Yes, I know what was written, but I was trying to look past the actual words and in my mind I saw two people who are both hurting, and projecting that hurt - which has been caused by other people - at each other. I was genuinely hoping I could make you feel better. I'm sorry if I didn't.

  • There is no support here for the *majority* of autistic people who, like me, are alone. Just endless knife in the gut posts.

    And believe me when I say I am most assuredly “judging” someone who would post this and those who would wish someone like that well. His post was unforgivable.

  • Hi Amerantin

    You have posted some very helpful information and knowledge on other threads, so I was surprised (curious surprised, not judgey "surprised") to see your response to this question. 

    We are all in different situations regarding whether we have family and friends in our life, and if so, whether we can relate to or rely on them. Sometimes being alone is better than staying in a bad, maybe abusive, relationship /friendship. Some of us have been rejected by others, some of us have had to walk away to preserve our sanity.

    It seems that this post triggered something in you - I don't know what your situation is, but it sounds lonely and I can empathise with that. I hope I don't sound condescending, I genuinely want everyone on here to be able to improve their lives and I hope this forum has helped you in some way, and that we can all gain from sharing our experiences and support each other.

  • Hi Bearded blue

    I hope you will come back and read this. I understand how you feel - I had to stop seeing family members years before I even knew I was autistic, to prevent myself from being miserable. We're not always born into our true family, sometimes we spend years looking for them. I'm so lucky that I have a partner that I can trust implicitly, and it's just the two of us now, but we're happy. You have to work out what is going to make you happy, and I wish you well.

  • In any group of people you will come across some who have radically different viewpoints to yourself and may challenge yours. If you are unprepared to argue your own viewpoint with some degree of logic, then perhaps forums such as this are not suited to you.

  • I think I was hurt and shocked but I will take this advice on board. Thankyou.

  • Good advice, thankyou for this understanding reply.

  • Thanks for this advice.

  • That's good advice  thankyou

  • It’s a shame when close family seem to resist something like that. Although not diagnosed I have always had good communication with my mum and love her dearly. When I tried to speak to her about my suspicions she didn’t really engage or was even a little curious. I also asked if she would help me by writing down anything that she thought might be relevant when I was growing up, it fell on deaf ears really so I left it there. Maybe denial with close family members is them feeling slightly guilty about not recognising the signs which then perhaps makes them feel guilty somehow? 
    I obviously don’t know the situation with your parents but I think even if it’s strained I would say it’s best to be on some sort of terms. 

  • I've asked for my account be deleted, can you help with that please.

  • Your parents probably need education about the topic. Or maybe they are not interested in it. Some people are not - you can try at least. As for cutting them off - really no one here can or should advise about that. We don’t know you and your family personally. Parents even if not perfect (nobody is) - they are very important immediate family members and it’s absolutely up to you, you know best your family situation. I also had some ups and downs with my mom and she does not accept the word autism as my label, although she often points out my traits that are classic autistic traits. We are in many ways similar. I love my mom and decided to just leave the topic there as for now and enjoy spending time with her when I visit. So it’s up to you how you will sort it out with your parents, but it’s better to consider the situation carefully, Maybe good idea to consult it with your therapist. 

  • Good evening,

    This is a kind reminder of rule 5:

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.