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Rubbish response

I've recently been diagnosed as autistic and it's been an up and down experience since I found out for sure even though I was certain myself before it was official. I'm a man with kids of my own but I thought I'd share the news with my parents to let them know why I've struggled in life but all I got was ' oh right at least you know, how are the kids?.' These people have been less then supportive throughout my whole life and that's putting it mildly. Should I just cut them off now because I was never happier then when I didn't speak to them for years.

  • It’s a shame when close family seem to resist something like that. Although not diagnosed I have always had good communication with my mum and love her dearly. When I tried to speak to her about my suspicions she didn’t really engage or was even a little curious. I also asked if she would help me by writing down anything that she thought might be relevant when I was growing up, it fell on deaf ears really so I left it there. Maybe denial with close family members is them feeling slightly guilty about not recognising the signs which then perhaps makes them feel guilty somehow? 
    I obviously don’t know the situation with your parents but I think even if it’s strained I would say it’s best to be on some sort of terms. 

  • I think I was hurt and shocked but I will take this advice on board. Thankyou.

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