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Rubbish response

I've recently been diagnosed as autistic and it's been an up and down experience since I found out for sure even though I was certain myself before it was official. I'm a man with kids of my own but I thought I'd share the news with my parents to let them know why I've struggled in life but all I got was ' oh right at least you know, how are the kids?.' These people have been less then supportive throughout my whole life and that's putting it mildly. Should I just cut them off now because I was never happier then when I didn't speak to them for years.

  • Your parents probably need education about the topic. Or maybe they are not interested in it. Some people are not - you can try at least. As for cutting them off - really no one here can or should advise about that. We don’t know you and your family personally. Parents even if not perfect (nobody is) - they are very important immediate family members and it’s absolutely up to you, you know best your family situation. I also had some ups and downs with my mom and she does not accept the word autism as my label, although she often points out my traits that are classic autistic traits. We are in many ways similar. I love my mom and decided to just leave the topic there as for now and enjoy spending time with her when I visit. So it’s up to you how you will sort it out with your parents, but it’s better to consider the situation carefully, Maybe good idea to consult it with your therapist. 

  • Good advice, thankyou for this understanding reply.

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