long term depression & suicidal thoughts

Does anything ever help?

  • I think they should allow us euthanasia drugs. People with Asperger's can have them in The Netherlands and Belgium. This is a HORRIBLE disability, and we get NO help for it whatsoever. There are no disability payments, we are expected to work in the sensory hell that the NTs have created. The disability assessment is a JOKE. How can a nurse assess a complex neurological condition, over the phone? Surely a Psychiatrist or a Neurologist should be the assessor? I HATE my parents for bringing me into this existence. Why does someone else have the right to inflict this horrible life on another person without offering them a painless way out? It is disgusting. N.T.s are liars and they disgust me, as do 'parents', who are totally selfish and do not care at all about the horrible existence their child will be forced to live. 

  • thanks, may I ask what medication / dose helped you?

  • Medication helped me. Exercise also helps, it releases endorphins that automatically make you feel better. Fun fact. 

    Some days are bad, some are good, but I try to remember on a bad day that another good day will come. 

    Keep fighting. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Yes, talking about your feelings, having them acknowledged and feeling like there is still a place in the world for you.

    Personally, I use the Samaritans, even if I'm not feeling suicidal but if I'm so upset I need to hear someone's voice. SHOUT is another service that can help.

    Depending on where you are in your depression, diet and exercise help, though it can be tough to do until you start feeling a bit better

  • I used to have gut issues due to food sensitivities, which caused me to have low mood, among other physical health issues. Not eating certain types of inflammatory foods, alleviated the low mood and health issues I was facing. But everyone's health issues are different. 

  • mushroom therapy? It's legal in Netherlands.

  • Yeh SSRIs help depression they are not a cure all but do help. Abilify at a low dose can be good for depression. Therapy can help. Doing stuff you like listening to music etc. it doesn’t have to be something amazing.

  • thanks you for these essential tools!

  • Hope you keep feeling well.

    Thank you.

    I wish you the same Blush

  • thanks, yeah I've heard of both of these

  • I'm glad your antidepressants help you Slight smile 

    Mine have also made a big difference to my life. I'm able to function and enjoy living again since going on mine, it's made a difference even though at first I didn't think it would. 

    Hope you keep feeling well.

  • may I ask please what / how much you take?

    It's Paroxetine (aka Seroxat) 20mg o/d but you might find it harder to have it prescribed now since the side effects of withdrawal have become more well known.

    I've come off it a couple of times, and the side effect of withdrawal for me was tinnitus.

  • yeah it likely will be a lifelong struggle..

    although... some say that certain mushrooms can cure depression, and have been researched and currently are being researched into their effect of curing lifelong depression, of which is a recognised trait in them.. .although the mushrooms are illegal... despite the fact they can cure depression and medical science agrees is one of the only things that cures lifelong persistent depression.

    and have you seen the other medical trials in which they use ketamine to cure depression and it actually  works under controlled monitored use by doctors. it changes the patients brain and prevents them getting depression again.

    but yeah, all of these are currently not available to the public and the last one if by invite to clinical trials.

  • thanks, the situation has been escalating over nearly 3 years now so I'm pretty well clued up on all this stuff even if it doesn't help

  • thanks, I don't drink / get plenty of exercise / get up early due to work so all of the usual kind of suggestions don't help

  • may I ask please what / how much you take?

  • I’ve put on 8 or 9kg since starting mine last May and i honestly don’t feel any different mentally. I have a medication review in a week or so and I’m going to say I want to come off them.

  • Hi there, 

    I wanted to let you know about our web page on depression which lists things other people have done that they have found helpful: https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance/topics/mental-health/depression

    As you mention suicide in the thread title, I am sharing some additional information.  

    If you haven'talready you may like to contact your GP and make an urgent appointment. Your GP may be able to help you get appropriate help and support.If it’s outside your GP hours call 111 to reach the NHS 111 service:http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/AboutNHSservices/Emergencyandurgentcareservices/Pages/NHS-111.aspx    

    The Samaritansalso provide confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day on116 123, or by email onjo@samaritans.org   

    MINDhave information pages on coping withself harmorsuicidal feelingsbased on the experiences of people who’ve been through it that you may find helpful.    
    Another source of support you may like to consider areShout 85258 which is a free, confidential, anonymous text support service. Should you wish to contact someone, I have popped a link to their website here for you: https://giveusashout.org/get-help/    

    If you feel you need more urgent help, our website lists some options you could consider https://www.autism.org.uk/what-we-do/help-and-support/urgent-help     

    If you ever feel very close to doing something to hurt yourself - call 999 or go to your nearest A&E department. There should be someone there to support you and make sure you get ongoing support.    

    Kind regards,

    Sharon Mod

  • i dont bother asking for them as the side effects sound bad.... infact its mainly the side effect that can make you fat im put off by as that would just make you more depressed if that happens.

    i knew a girl who was like a super model, she got depressed, went on antidepressants... within a single week she gained so much weight she was unrecognisable. no way id touch them things after seeing that side effect be that bad.

  • Antidepressants help me, enormously.