Generation Anxiety: smartphones have created a gen Z mental health crisis – but there are ways to fix it

  • (I am not GenZ).

    I find with Social Media (and smartphones) I try to be strict about using them "my way" for the benefit of myself and those whom I care about ...and remind myself (regularly) that I am under no obligation to use those platforms / smartphone apps / features and settings which do not support me well.

    I have always been quite a visual learner so I like things like e.g.:

    - using different colours on a smartphone calendar (so I don't need to open the event as the colour choice is enough to remind me e.g. Attend something versus doing something),

    - using Zoom / MS Teams to access online courses / observe or join in topical discussions on my terms e.g. I am curious about this  international event later today (the recordings from last year's event are available to provide an idea of what it might be like today),

    - using Facebook just for being able to a) join select interest groups & b) FaceTime with people (I know in the real World) who are stuck at home or hospital while they recover from illness or treatment.

  • Perhaps wait till you are in your 60s a re-read this. Let's see what you do with the world as you go along.

  • a goodly litany of good things the world has brought forth!

  • At least you awake to the world we live in. You are one of the smart few. I believe good things will come to you and your family. I am from Irish descent and love Ireland. I travelled there not long ago it’s my favourite place to be. Stay safe brother Four leaf clover

  • So what you're saying is that your family in Ireland feel that they're perfectly safe but you are terrified for them despite not having been there in nearly two years and not living there for decades... and you think that's more likely due to them being mind-controlled rather than your sources of information being less than credible?

    As someone who lives in London and has seen all sorts of deranged conspiracy nonsense from people hundreds of miles away (we're too scared to leave our homes because someone is stabbed on every street every day and we're under sharia law), I think your family are probably more trustworthy than wherever you "do your research". 

  • We know from many verified sources despite the censorship that many of the globalist elites have become even more powerful and wealthy during Covid and this is hardly a coincidence - just before and during Covid, where I was a huge supporter of the Irish truth and patriot movement (and still am) before the online censorship really kicked in, enough truth leaked out to make me really horrified as an Irish patriot in the U.K. with extended family in Ireland at what was really happening behind the scenes and frankly, it really saddens me to see the western world collapsing as it really is - I don’t normally entertain what is labelled as “conspiracy theories” (AKA the truth) and I check out and verify everything I read, and in doing so, it is truly horrifying to really discover what is really happening in our world - these past 4 years in effective limbo have really taught me some very harsh lessons about the true reality of our world, especially in western nations - the truth pops up in the most unlikely places - the actions of the Irish government to date and during Covid have frankly made me terrified for my family’s safety in Ireland no matter how brainwashed, indoctrinated and/or mind-controlled they are and frankly, I’m dreading getting “that” call from Ireland about my family’s safety there here in the U.K., where I’ve lived for 22 years and where my last visit home to Ireland was in October 2022 - before that, it was in August 2022 and in December 2019 - the fact that renewing my Irish passport was made more difficult before Brexit before 2018 and of how I was prevented from visiting family in Ireland due to Irish Covid restrictions far longer after England and Wales lifted theirs even though ferry travel was deemed far safer is very suspicious 

  • The 80’s in my teens growing up in Rural Ireland for me was a largely sheltered time, but in later years I discovered that it was also a decade of intense greed and selfish consumerism, tempered only by the warnings and predictions of our grandparents generation, which were never taken seriously, heeded nor acted upon by our parents, who were fresh from the hedonism of the 60’s & 70’s, which we later discovered was a very morally dangerous position for them to take, which as our grandparents correctly and accurately predicted, despite their initial complacency in the 50’s, later led to serious consequences, as our grandparents, being traditional Catholics, really took their faith seriously - I only discovered the truth in my parents generation’s old age where we had a masterclass in the heavy price that our parents generation paid, many decades after our grandparents passing, whom we realised were correct and accurate all along, only after we had passed out of the confusion of our teenage years and where the mantle of responsibility passed to our generation, especially those of us who are parents and even grandparents ourselves - this was further emphasised to us during the emotional roller coaster of Covid and having returned to the Traditional Catholic Faith 18 years previously and away from the gay community, the revelations that came out during Covid further showed me that I was on the correct path 

  • Across the globe the picture is even better in terms of poverty. 30 years ago almost everyone in China lived in absolute poverty now they have a middle class several hundred million strong. Just one example.

    Hans Riesling (a statistician hero of mine) did a programme a while ago showing just how much better the world is now on almost every measure - poverty, crime, violence, life expectancy etc. The video is probably somewhere on YouTube but the link below has a bunch of graphs from demonstrating the point. It’s worth a look as it is truly eye opening.

    Anyway, have a good rest of your day.

  • Hey I don’t know what your problem is pal. I mean those figures are from the BBC I mean you’re not going to get the truth from a corrupt organisation like the bbc. Who said I was talking about Britain anyway? I was talking about in general across the globe poverty is worse. Why don’t we just agree to disagree I mean it doesn’t really matter who’s right or wrong at this point. Let’s just call it a day now. 

  • Some actual real world data as opposed to your imagination. 

  • Sorry but if you’re going to make completely unfounded and uninformed claims and try to shove them down my throat by shouting FACT at me then don’t be surprised when I react back.

    Try making informed factual statements in future instead of shouting.

  • Okay no worries I clearly don’t know what I’m talking about. I am not going to argue with you. You need to find someone else to argue with. Good luck.

  • Sorry yellow tree but that is not true.

    Absolute poverty doesn’t even begin to compare where it was even in the 1980s.

    I don’t want to be rude, but you simply don’t have the faintest idea what you’re talking about.

  • This simply is not true. Poverty is worse FACT. 

  • Yeh these phones are a hindrance at times. You make a good point. I never had a phone as a child and life was more fun.

  • I must admit though I do rate this place as a lifeline for some and at the very least a place where people can support each other. 

    Yes absolutely I completely agree.

    I’ve always stayed away from social media because of how it appeared to me which was individuals wanting to make their lives look fantastic to others. 

    Yes I get that but there are a huge number of autistic advocate accounts on other social media platforms and this is mainly what I use social media for.

  • True actually.

    I must admit though I do rate this place as a lifeline for some and at the very least a place where people can support each other. 
    I’ve always stayed away from social media because of how it appeared to me which was individuals wanting to make their lives look fantastic to others. 
    I often think that if life is that great for them why do they need to make others feel bad that they are not able to do the things they do. 
    My wife scrolls through endless amounts of posts, it scrambles my brain just catching a glimpse. 

    Anyway thanks for bringing that to my attention Awesomely 

  • I am glad that you had no children.

  • I will always question the fact as long as I live that when mobile phones and the internet was first brought in during the 1980’s, given all we have learned during Covid, aside from the costs involved, why was there no limits placed on who has access to such devices via a licence system based on need that can be proved in a court of law, something that I have always strongly advocated and why have in recent times, a situation has been created in our times that people have become totally dependent on such devices because so many public and private companies have moved their entire operations online, in effect forcing people to be online - for me, this will always be a moral and ethical issue - it was always a totally stupid and misguided idea to merge mobile phone technology with the internet and to move away from dialup internet to create wifi and broadband - we now know that the globalist deep state wants to shut down the existing internet and mobile phone setup and replace it with 5G and 6G that they can totally control and then the censorship only came in later on - Facebook and Twitter were known to be involved with the CIA and FBI to gather information from around the world including and after 9/11 - only our grandparents generation before they passed when I was growing up in Ireland tried to stop computers/internet getting into secondary schools and mobile phones getting into the hands of children with the help of Catholic Parish Priests and the Police in many parts of Rural Ireland and with and for very good reason, aside from council officials trying to stop council tenants getting landline phones and mobile phones, not on the basis of costs, but because they feared something far worse, which has come to pass in our times and those fears have been proven correct and accurate - we have all seen how tech is abused and misused all the time, by those who should not have access to it in the first place - all the safety precautions can never protect innocent children from the far greater dangers that are out there in the space of 40 years, where in my teens I once embraced “progress” and leftism, as well as “advances” in science and tech, but in that time, I’ve come to realise how dangerous all of this is if not carefully managed and tightly controlled - I will never back down from the position that children under 21 must always be kept well away from mobile phones and the internet for all reasons and there is no reason why they “need” access to these devices