Generation Anxiety: smartphones have created a gen Z mental health crisis – but there are ways to fix it

  • I can’t talk about anybody. I am a young guy and am currently addicted to my phone. I wonder how the coming generation will handle the world. I feel kinda sorry for the upcoming generation I mean they have it so hard compared to the older generations who had it relatively easy in comparison. I know older generations had their struggles also but I think todays youth still have it way harder. I mean todays youth have to deal with the threat of WW3 which would blow both WW1 and WW2 out of the water in terms of severity. I mean we’re dealing with nuclear weapons here and cyber robots with guns that can sense your movements and breathe from a mile away. Real scary stuff. Ever watched black mirror that tv series scared me at the time it came out in 2016 because it portrayed the future and the dark side of technology and now it’s practically here everything they showed us in the tv series it’s here. Terminators are real now how scary is that? 

  • I feel kinda sorry for the upcoming generation I mean they have it so hard compared to the older generations who had it relatively easy in comparison. I know older generations had their struggles also but I think todays youth still have it way harder.

    I think that needs another thread!

    I could give you so much detail of how hard our lives were when we were young, how much true deprivation there was and even more so for our parents.

    How many gadgets and time saving devices didn't exist, how expensive goods were and how hard it was to make meals without supermarket ready meals (or supermarkets when I was really young).

    How we walked everywhere because we couldn't afford cars.

    How we had to make our own clothes because we couldn't afford new.

    How I had to wear my sisters' and mothers' hand-me-downs and was relentlessly bullied because of this.

    Womens lives have been transformed in the decades I've been alive, and hugely improved with opportunities.

    However, the WW3 thing is a real threat.

  • Yeh I’m sorry to hear that but I don’t think it’s a competition of who had it hardest. Your story is valid too. But it’s impossible to say the world has improved overall over the last 30 years. Some areas might have improved but I mean unless you live under a rock and don’t look at the world around you it would be impossible to say the world is in a better place than it was 30 years ago. I mean I’m saying that and I wasn’t even alive then because I have had to live through the system that previous generations left for me which nearly broke me.

  • Yeh I’m sorry to hear that but I don’t think it’s a competition of who had it hardest. Your story is valid too. But it’s impossible to say the world has improved overall over the last 30 years. Some areas might have improved but I mean unless you live under a rock and don’t look at the world around you it would be impossible to say the world is in a better place than it was 30 years ago. I mean I’m saying that and I wasn’t even alive then because I have had to live through the system that previous generations left for me which nearly broke me.

  • Perhaps wait till you are in your 60s a re-read this. Let's see what you do with the world as you go along.

  • At least you awake to the world we live in. You are one of the smart few. I believe good things will come to you and your family. I am from Irish descent and love Ireland. I travelled there not long ago it’s my favourite place to be. Stay safe brother Four leaf clover

  • So what you're saying is that your family in Ireland feel that they're perfectly safe but you are terrified for them despite not having been there in nearly two years and not living there for decades... and you think that's more likely due to them being mind-controlled rather than your sources of information being less than credible?

    As someone who lives in London and has seen all sorts of deranged conspiracy nonsense from people hundreds of miles away (we're too scared to leave our homes because someone is stabbed on every street every day and we're under sharia law), I think your family are probably more trustworthy than wherever you "do your research". 

  • We know from many verified sources despite the censorship that many of the globalist elites have become even more powerful and wealthy during Covid and this is hardly a coincidence - just before and during Covid, where I was a huge supporter of the Irish truth and patriot movement (and still am) before the online censorship really kicked in, enough truth leaked out to make me really horrified as an Irish patriot in the U.K. with extended family in Ireland at what was really happening behind the scenes and frankly, it really saddens me to see the western world collapsing as it really is - I don’t normally entertain what is labelled as “conspiracy theories” (AKA the truth) and I check out and verify everything I read, and in doing so, it is truly horrifying to really discover what is really happening in our world - these past 4 years in effective limbo have really taught me some very harsh lessons about the true reality of our world, especially in western nations - the truth pops up in the most unlikely places - the actions of the Irish government to date and during Covid have frankly made me terrified for my family’s safety in Ireland no matter how brainwashed, indoctrinated and/or mind-controlled they are and frankly, I’m dreading getting “that” call from Ireland about my family’s safety there here in the U.K., where I’ve lived for 22 years and where my last visit home to Ireland was in October 2022 - before that, it was in August 2022 and in December 2019 - the fact that renewing my Irish passport was made more difficult before Brexit before 2018 and of how I was prevented from visiting family in Ireland due to Irish Covid restrictions far longer after England and Wales lifted theirs even though ferry travel was deemed far safer is very suspicious 

  • Across the globe the picture is even better in terms of poverty. 30 years ago almost everyone in China lived in absolute poverty now they have a middle class several hundred million strong. Just one example.

    Hans Riesling (a statistician hero of mine) did a programme a while ago showing just how much better the world is now on almost every measure - poverty, crime, violence, life expectancy etc. The video is probably somewhere on YouTube but the link below has a bunch of graphs from demonstrating the point. It’s worth a look as it is truly eye opening.

    Anyway, have a good rest of your day.

  • Hey I don’t know what your problem is pal. I mean those figures are from the BBC I mean you’re not going to get the truth from a corrupt organisation like the bbc. Who said I was talking about Britain anyway? I was talking about in general across the globe poverty is worse. Why don’t we just agree to disagree I mean it doesn’t really matter who’s right or wrong at this point. Let’s just call it a day now. 

  • Some actual real world data as opposed to your imagination. 

  • Sorry but if you’re going to make completely unfounded and uninformed claims and try to shove them down my throat by shouting FACT at me then don’t be surprised when I react back.

    Try making informed factual statements in future instead of shouting.

  • Okay no worries I clearly don’t know what I’m talking about. I am not going to argue with you. You need to find someone else to argue with. Good luck.

  • Sorry yellow tree but that is not true.

    Absolute poverty doesn’t even begin to compare where it was even in the 1980s.

    I don’t want to be rude, but you simply don’t have the faintest idea what you’re talking about.

  • This simply is not true. Poverty is worse FACT. 

  • But it’s impossible to say the world has improved overall over the last 30 years.

    Sorry, but that’s just not true.

    People live much longer lives, crime is much lower, there is vastly less poverty, the economy is massively larger, living conditions are massively better for the vast majority.