Generation Anxiety: smartphones have created a gen Z mental health crisis – but there are ways to fix it

  • I'm from Gen Z and I do have a smartphone. I got mine when I was about 11 or thereabouts. That article was an interesting read, I'm not sure I agree with all of it but I do agree it could affect some people's mental health depending on their age and what they do on their phone and how much screen time etc. I'm thinking mostly of teenagers here who are at a vulnerable age where they're impressionable. Social media like Facebook is where a lot of teenagers are and it's such a wild world on there - why I stopped using it! - and I know from experience how it can start to affect you negatively. It really isn't worth it, IMO.

    But for the rest I think phones are pretty cool. Like a mini computer that you can carry round with you. 

    Do I use mine frequently? Not really no. I imagine most women my age do but I prefer to be singing or listening to records or sitting with a good book.

    As a teenager my phone time used to be about 15 hours a day. Yikes! But now it gets a lot less.

    I use my PC a lot but that's for writing and for using my music software which connects to my microphone. The phones purpose really is for banking and also to keep in touch with people for my work. I try to stick with messaging when possible though because talking on them is distressing for me.

    I like to use Google Maps as well if I need to go somewhere I haven't been before. And with this you can see the places you select as if you're really there. I find this extremely useful.

    Easy access to the internet is really useful too.

    I also like that they're fairly easy to use. My 82 year old nan is even able to use one and she's always struggled with tech so that's lovely to see.

    She uses hers to remind her to take her medicine Grinning 

  • What could possibly go wrong?

  • A new kind of ruler to use across the knuckles, eh?

  • if computers really must be used in schools, it should only be by the principal in their office only and under maximum security with multilayered pass-words, not taught to pupils at all 

    I'm exceptionally glad that you are not in charge of this country's education, religious or otherwise.

  • I'm of the Z Generation. It's an interesting article and rather intriguing to think about. In some ways I see how it could affect mental health in a negative way but I'm not sure if the phones are the direct cause. I mean there's got to be so many other factors to consider as well... But I'm sure they do play a big part for some people, especially so if you spend time on the popular social medias like X and FB. Both I've been on and both I left quickly because they were drama and hostility that I didn't want to be involved in.

    But to answer your question what's my relationship like with my phone?

    It can be healthy and unhealthy. Sometimes I use it for the camera, or to listen to music, do research online or just to look at my remaining photos of family. Other times it can be unhealthy if my mental health is not so good. I try to avoid it when that happens, otherwise it's easy to get carried away and that does have consequences with mental health I've found in my personal experience. I try not to use it too much but these days my life has little else and they are so much more than a phone so if I want to read or watch or study, then I can. It's so many things all in one. And gives the ability to interact with others without having to actually talk and make eye contact which for this autistic is absolute heaven.

  • The whole schools should have signal jammers installed, not just classrooms - and the use of wireless wifi should be banned in schools as well - if computers really must be used in schools, it should only be by the principal in their office only and under maximum security with multilayered pass-words, not taught to pupils at all 

  • I’ve been watching old episodes of Dynasty from that time in the 80’s (40 years ago) and although some say that it’s “predictive programming” comparing that to all that has been revealed to us during Covid (initially dismissed as conspiracy theories, only a story, etc) much of it has turned out to be accurate in our times - thing is, how did the writers of such soaps in Hollywood come across so much insider information at society parties and other sources to create so much “fictional” storylines that have been proven to be a warning from history so many decades later? I’m very careful about the sources of information since Covid and I don’t jump to rash conclusions without verifying all such sources, a lesson learnt well these past 4 years

  • Let's see.... a fav?.. I just can't... I love his presence over all and can't think of one moment over another. ..I have to think in that. ..

    I'm going with the Genesis of the Delek and The Arc In Space. I like all the dalek and cybermen episodes a lot.

  • I love him as well. Like how eccentric he is but also how serious he could be. My fave ones of his are Horror of Fang Rock and The Talons of Weng-Chiang.

    Best wishes,


  • oh yes dear Tom B is My Doc.

    Also Terry Nation is my fav writer (for the 'classic).

  • I remember the 80's and how scary it all was, the threat of nuclear war was ever present, i was involved with CND and Greenham Common too. Now with Russia-Ukraine and even more problems in the Middle East and the possibility of China trying to invade Taiwan it's all starting to feel very dangerous again.

  • Although I use my phone for a lot of things that I feel benefit me I draw the line at social media. I don’t feel that it would be useful to me tbh.

    You do realise that this autistic community is a form of social media?

  • [removed by moderator]

    Reminder of Rule 5: 

    Be nice to one another and enjoy chatting with others. We encourage conversation and respectful debate; please be aware that individuals may give opinions which are not shared by other members. Insulting posts or comments making personal jibes will not be tolerated.   

  • He wants to return to the 1960s, when men could be jailed, castrated or put in asylums just for being like him. 

    I really don’t know how to communicate with a mind like that. 

  • One of the biggest scandals in the Catholic Church in Scotland was Cardinal Keith O’Brien.

    He mercilessly and very publicly condemned, attacked and persecuted the gay community for decades. It’s what he was best known for.

    Then in 2013 a series of charges were levelled at him of predatory sexual behaviour towards young priests. He resigned and disappeared overnight.

  • Believe me, he's not a troll. When I was a roman catholic I have seen this kind of doublethinking and cognitive dissonance. He's 100% sincere. Roman Catholicism teaches to think something, but not to the consequences of that thing. It also teaches to ignore people pointing the obvious logical inaccuracies. God is not constrained by the laws of human logic.

  • Let me explain: I was raised in a roman catholic country as a roman catholic. I remember the local Bishop telling the parishioners to "not commit the sin of scandal", [removed by moderator]

    Reminder of Rule 7: 

    This is a hate-free zone for autistic people, their families and friends, and professionals working in the field. We do not permit sexism, homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism, religious intolerance, transphobia, disability hate speech, hate speech, obscenities or pornography to be posted or linked to here. 

  • Blaming the Devil is the oldest excuse in the book. People stopped believing in that crap about 100 years ago.

  • The bible literally forbids homosexuality and describes it as an abomination.

    That is how one of the core commandments of the Catholic Church views you, Irish. I am honestly amazed by your inability to see or acknowledge that, to the point that I am seriously considering that you are just a troll.