I hate this life and yes I know you don't care

My parents treat me like poo. A piece of poo they trod on. The social services and NHS are worse.

No one cares. Give me all your false platitudes, heard it all before.

  • I cared enough to give you some tools to help you manage people a bit more a few posts ago.

    Autism is a double whammy, people do indeed treat you like poo, AND the Autism makes it seem worse than it is sometimes.

    And social services and NHS are indeed nothing like as good as the help you could be giving yourself.

    Forget all that progressive metro sexual guff they try to tell you and know this:

    As a MAN you are designed to take the load. You produce testosterone (probably in smaller amounts than you need right now, due to a range of factors outside of our control) a miracle problem solving hormone. Stop letting this very anti-male society get you down and push you into a corner and tell you there is no place for you. There is as much place for you and the family, that as a man you will create and lead, as you are able to TAKE AND HOLD.. 

    Everything else they tell you is just rubbish.

    Despite all that feminism and stuff, it's the smartly turned out, capable guys (It sure helps to be tall, as well) who get all the women, invites, and decent salaries.

    As a man you have to work. It doesn't mean you have to have a job (although it sure helps) but you have to be able to create stuff, be a provider, not a drain. To be fair it does not seem to matter to most people HOW you provide, they just expect you to always produce something useful to justify your existence. If you get really good at providing a service far from being "demeaning" (as those who bring nothing to the party themselves often like to claim) finding effective ways to serve and manage yourself, and then other people, is definitely a part of leadership. Even in this "doublethink" society where sexism is decried loudly, you will STILL be expected to BE the MAN.

  • Used to take strong painkillers and the instructions was no excess alcohol. Thought the safer way was to stop drinking. Some people don't understand. I've Hallucinated twice In broad daylight and nobody helped me Pensive I know someone drinks when invited to a meal.

  • Guess what....I for one am glad to read this post ..yes you are exactly right about all you say, what people fail to realise is that life for some people is basically *** and the help or trajectory of their life given various socio/economic factors mean they stand *** all chance. ..case in point  for example do you think some kid born in a deprived African village where he can't eat because she'll oil poisoned all his rivers and basically butt fu*%Ed the whole village so they can't have any chance is statistical gonna be getting a good job or house etc etc no he is not. It's not as bad in uk granted but there is also a lot of very bad stuff happening here that you don't see and by that I am referring to the shody services and zero help for autism ...hence why do you think Roswell posted this. Yes I know you are angry Roswell and I'm with you as my son going through same thing in fact ie he drank a lot and when his inhibitions down due to the alcohol he came close to attempting suicide...it all came about from the zero help and attrocious way NHS handled his diagnosis of autism everyone failed us schools everything..it took him 5 yrs yes 5 yrs to start to deal with it first he was in denial then he was angry and now he is just depressed and I have had to be on suicide watch...he seems to be coming through it now though. The point I am making here to you Roswell is 1. You are not alone 2 .you have every right to be angry and feel the way you do and 3. The feelings you are experiencing are text book like my son as yes we do go through denial then anger then sadness but anger best place to be as it means you do give a dawn otherwise you'd be in depression and just numb and not care at all. People on here right about the drinking though as it is a Downer it lower inhibitors and a depression causer etc which if you're angry and possibly on the way to getting sad will not be a good combo as I said suicide is a factor you need to watch it can come at you out of nowhere and when tha alcohol kicks in you might d something you regret

  • If I recall correctly social services were offering you 10 hours a week one to one support if you were willing to give up drinking. That is a generous offer when support is so hard to get. It could potentially be life changing if you get the right person who understands something about autism.

    If that offer is still available to you then what have you got to lose by at least giving it a go?

  • That’s exactly what I have done, I limit alcohol to Friday and Saturday nights. I find my anxiety in the week is more bearable. I set myself small projects and spend time researching them.

  • I'm an alcoholic as well, it really forces you into an intense depression. 2 weeks off the stuff and then with abstinence going forward and your mood just lifts. From a depressive mania to manageable normality.

  • I couldn't agree more with BP's first point.

    You really do need to stop drinking or at least get it under control.
    I was taking solice in alcohol to quite an extreme point. I was kidding myself that it helped me cope with life. I was using it to help with my sleep issues [but in reality it didn't help].

    I was consuming between 60-70 units per week. Drinking 3 or 4 cans of strong lager EVERY night. You could count on a sinlge hand how many nights that I didn't drink over a year.

    Fortunately I recognised that alcohol was not helping the sitiuation - it was the exact opposite.
    I do still drink, but keep it to 1 night a week (usually Friday).
    I definitely dont feel that I need to drink eveyry night and you know what, I feel great for it.

    Maybe getting a healthy hobby interest such as getting fir / going to the gym a couple of times a week. You can set goals around losing weight, building muscle, etc. That WILL give you a good incentive to not drink or at the very least reduce your consumption.

  • I'd tried to help and got ignored. Enjoy the forum and met some nice people. Also playing fantasy games.

  • Hi Roswell - You're posting these messages here constantly and now you're just lashing out at people on the forum who've been trying to help you. My advice to you is simple:

    1 - Stop drinking. If you continue drinking this situation will be exactly the same a year from now and you'll never improve. Alcohol is a serious depressant and one of the main contributors to your current situation.

    2 - You need to put the effort in to improve your situation. Stop relying on everyone else to fix it for you. 

    Just randomly complaining on this forum and blaming everyone else will achieve nothing. Instead, start making the difference today for long-term benefits, the only way to do that is rely on your GP for advice, stop drinking, exercise regularly, and have a healthy diet.

    You're going around in circles and there'll never be an end to this, so I won't be responding to any of your future threads or reading them - what you have to do is above.

    We all have our own issues to take care of, we're not here to support you 24/7. So, do something about it and stop complaining. 

  • Not sure the intended purpose of your post.
    It seems that you'e not asking for sympathy, support, etc.

    So I'll go a bit left field with my response....[edited]