Dont spend Money online when you have been drinking !

I gave up smoking New Years eve after 35 Years and had a " Tipple " or 20 Last night.
 Anyway, i decided to replace my electric guitar as it has seen better Days after a few Years.
Last night i found a lovely " Jackson " Guitar at an amazing price of £ 199.
Today i logged into online banking and....wait for it..... £1,999 was the actual price that was taken from my account in my stupid drunken haze i did not see ! 
I contacted the seller and He Laughed and said He will do the refund no problem,thankfully.
Question...Has anybody else here in the community spent money online " under " the influence, and did you regret it ?
This purchase wiped me out and i was totally shocked the following morning, it just did not register. What an idiot.
Anybody else done silly things like this ?  ( Please say yes or i will feel so lonely ). Flushed

  • Get the toddler on 'Wheeler Dealers'. Slight smile

  • In the local town near where I was living, there was a nice looking bright pink little Japanese imported sports car for sale and this guy who was also in the same town had his computer on but had to do other things. He came back to his computer and found his 18 month old toddler had been ramdomly changing pages on his computer so he attended to his toddler and thought nothing of it. A period of time later he noticed a nootification and he looked to find he had won an ebay bid for just over £8000 for.this little pink car that his toddler had bid on!

  • Oh my goodness!

    I can't say I have ever ordered anything online whilst inebriated, but when I was younger there were occasions when I said and did some daft things when I was more than a little tipsy.

  • I've never been drunk before but have done a lot of silly things anyway lololol Sweat smile not sure what it would be like if I was drunk.

    Maybe I would be really sensible then lol.

    I'm glad the seller was so understanding with you. I expect it's something they might have done in the past 2 my dad said he's done a lot of stuff like that lol.

  • Apologize. Going offsubject.

    I have heard of many who have bought things when drunk.  My youngest brother went into a pub when young, and was plied with drink from the landlord, and ended up trapped into an agreement into  buying the Landlords wrecked Porsche. (His son had abused the car and it had serious driveshaft issues. Landlord tried to tell me it was a "Common fault" with all cars that had front engines and back gearboxes. Funny! I have owned three Volvo 360's and two of them were the Porsche designed GLT's. (The other was a GL so was more Volvo than Porsche... As Volvo as a Daf designed car can get when Volvo took over Daf! Loved those 360's.None of them ever had issues like that rather abused Porsche ended up with!)

  • I have rarely ever been drunk in my life. One reason for this is that when I get partial and full on shutdowns, theyfeel and look like I am drunk but are not at all pleasant experiences. I would absolutely hate to ever be drunk and have a shutdown at the same time!  Another reason (Apart from hating the taste of beer) is that Mum and I pass out if we are sick, and our airwaves get blocked so if one of us goes ill, we have to watch each other incase we need to clear the airways so we can breath when we come back round. I have spent a fair few years working trains full of incredibly drunk people and so the thought of being drunk isnot something I want to be. I have been "Merry" on a few occasions such as having a glass of wine at Christmas, but never drunk, so fortunately never had a hangover!  But have I ever experienced what it is like to be drunk?  Every time I have had a shutdown!  (Actually I look drunk as my walking goes all over the place while in a partial  shutdown as my balance goes and I start to lose my ability to power my legs, and when in a full shutdown I am on the floor unable to move, in a rather floppy state! Iam glad it looks like I am drunk to strangers as people leave me alone, as the last thing I want is people making a fuss especially if they talk to me and try to get me to reply! If I try and reply after pulling out of a shutdown, I go into another shutdown which is exhausting!

  • I have fallen for a few scams online in my younger days now I’m more wise to them. I don’t really shop online unless I need something from amazon but I’ve always been sober when doing online shopping. 

  • In Northern Ireland, there's a News Site called Belfast Live - owned by the lot who own several regional News Sites in Britain - which is constantly 'Reporting' where to buy the latest fad; such as Airfryers, or Hooded Blackets at Primark. Plus 'Sponsored' artices from The Mirror also feature Shopping Deals.

    It's a Racket.

  • Hi Debbie.
    Yes the seller was nice as pie.
    I was lucky.
    Yes,Losing inhibitions can lead to all sorts of trouble, you are quite right.
    That.s why i now don'y trust myself with a Donut while i am drinking !  Fearful

  • That must have scared you!

    You were very lucky that the seller was so reasonable about it.

    I'm very glad that was sorted OK for you.

    Anybody else done silly things like this ?

    I've done a lot of silly things, only some of which were under the influence of alcohol and some dope, but those things were in my teens and 20s.

    Losing inhibitions can lead to all sorts of trouble ... Scream