Do autistic people get screwed over at work more?

Do autistic people get screwed over at work more or is it just me? Most jobs I have had I get taken advantage of or treated worse, with less respect, than other collegues by the people I work for. My most recent job I have been borderline defrauded. Two of my three previous ones I had to go to ACAS. 

I'm quite a worldly wise person and certainly not naïve but yet I always get treated as if I am a naïve mug who doesn't know what's what.

I'm not saying all this cos I feel sorry for myself, I just want to know if this is a common autistic experience in the workplace or whether it's just me?

  • I've worked in many socioeconomic strata. People from the lower strata tend to be more physically violent and abusive. The upper you go, the more "passive-aggressive" they become. ASD sufferers tend to be remissive and not physically aggressive, so they end up receiving a lot of abuse. I hope that it makes sense.

    working class people I've worked with have been by far the best, nicest and most sincere.

    That's exactly the contrary of my experience. I worked in factories and construction yards for 15 years.

  • because many ASD end up working in low-paid jobs with people from lower socioeconomical strata. So, they end up as target for bullying and harassment. The only solution is to find a better job with more civil coworkers,

    I am not sure that actually follows.

    I've been in lots of jobs in my life and I can think back over the most bullying people I worked with.

    They came from various 'socio-economic' backgrounds.

    Bullying and harassment isn't a class related thing in my own experience.

    It's personality based.

    You talk about people from 'lower socioeconomic strata' bullying and harassing but actually a lot of the most 'salt of the earth' working class people I've worked with have been by far the best, nicest and most sincere.

    Often it's the people who see themselves as superior that are the most poisonous.

  • That's very common, especially because many ASD end up working in low-paid jobs with people from lower socioeconomical strata. So, they end up as target for bullying and harassment. The only solution is to find a better job with more civil coworkers, but not every aspie can do that.

  • Yeah... No! 

    I suppose to clarify, I don't want to stand out, because the attention that draws is just bad, in so many ways. 

    If people think you're not like them, it can easily lead to persecution. 

    In my experience 

  • Question.....

    It's like always being an outsider - as usual.

    Do you actually want to be an insider?

    For ages, I thought I did......then I realised that I didn't, and now I'm pretty sure I still don't !

    I am always an "insider" with one other soul at a time, but when it comes to 'groups', I seem most happy being the "other" bloke.

  • Former workplace two of us asked if any additional hours were going and was told none. Apparently another colleague asked for additional hours, supervisor said yes and what additional hours would you like? 

    Me and another colleague both said that the supervisor got favouritism. In the end the supervisor handed her notice in. 

    Now one of the bullies is an assistant store manager and her brother is the sales manager. Plus high turnover of management. 

    My friend said to me I had done the right thing by leaving. Really sad as I'd done all I can to raised issues and witnesses asked me if I was OK (got a accused of putting sale stock on shop floor); management knew all along and did nothing to stop this behaviour. 

    Tried something new and similar thing happened. 

    It's like the post office scandal where they tried cover this up, criminal records and people committed suicide. 

  • i keep having juniors promoted over me all the time. despite no one being capable of doing all the jobs like i can do nor at the speed and quality i can do it at. i challenged them on it one time as my supervisor was heard saying hed rather quit than see me be promoted, they tossed out my grievance and then to cover their backs gave me a fake interview for the position up which they then said i failed at and gave to a 5 month employee when i been there for 2 years and i said i can do everything better than him and have more experience than him and know more than him about this job.

  • i get screwed alot at work and everyone else gets better treated. can be the best worker but will be hated by management and then management will reward and praise the laziest worthless ones seemingly to spite your hard work more.

  • Yes, we do. I have been taken advantage of in almost every job I have had. I now volunteer alone, litter picking and love every minute of being alone and in charge. 

  • Yeah, 

    Similar to my experience, I have to say. It's like always being an outsider - as usual.

    My job now is ok, still an outsider, but my colleagues are ok, they're not unkind, which is a good thing. 

    I think maybe we're treated like alien idiots because we don't speak the NT language- which leads many of them to assume stupidity. Selective mutism, which some of us have, leads people to assume a lack of understanding. 

    I've had that a lot. 

  • I had a job once and I definetly deserved a promotion but I never got one instead they gave it to everyone else. So I left that job and they can do the hard work without me, I felt I was being used by them. 

    I had another job as a cleaner and the boss fired me because he didn’t like my work ethic and attitude so I told him I didn’t need his job I would work elsewhere. 

    I had a job as a delivery man that was okay because I worked by myself without anyone there to boss me about or judge me for my social awkwardness. I loved that job in the summer it was fun. Not fun in winter though lol.

  • I don’t think I’ve been screwed over any more than anyone else, but I have made career mistakes at times and they have always resulted from one of two things:

    • Political naïveté. Just not understanding organisational politics and blundering into minefields
    • Inappropriately expressed emotion. I have learned the hard way that if something upsets me I should wait until at least the next day before saying anything or sending an email.
  • This is an oft reported common autistic experience (being taken advantage of in the workplace)....many of the more learned and well read people will be able to supply facts, articles and explanations I'm sure.  Personally, I definitely suffered from this in the past, with a few fair minded and 'kind' individuals even confirming that this was 'my attraction' to them.  For a while thereafter, it seems I recoiled and went on the attack - or at least ensured that I wore a metaphorical ex plosive ve st to cause mutually assured destruction if it was 'tried' on me again.  It was.  B O O M.  As the saying goes....."Ain't nobody got time for dat she-heat!"

    Now, I think I have finally found my sweet spot.  I'm more confident and experienced in my world.....but most importantly, careful.

    I hope you are not feeling too brow beaten?  What doesn't kill us makes us stronger...and hopefully makes us more successfully careful too?