Old and former members

People frequently resurrect old threads which began with someone  who is no longer on the forum asking for help or saying how unhappy they are with their life. These are often years old.

I wonder how these people are. Did they get the help they needed from the forum and move on to better things. Did they give up. Are they alright. I hope so.

  • I was aware of that, which is why I feel doubly bad about my now-edited post above where I meant to type (and now have) ‘her *dad* and family’. My brain jumped a track and I typed the wrong parent despite knowing which had passed. They were very close. It’s desperately sad. 

  • I agree that this is big problem.  After May is over I might be able to try and use some of my connections to try and get these issues further up the agenda.  I should try.

  • She was mature beyond her years and a beautiful soul despite life bringing many challenges. Like Luna she was full of light and love and innocent joy.

    I agree - very well expressed (as always).

    Her poor mum

    I believe that at the time of leaving she had lost her mother.

  • That is devastating news. I had no idea and thank you, Bot, for letting us know. Trisha was kind enough to send me a friend request in April and would occasionally get in touch with the kindest of thoughts and best wishes, and would share the things that were lifting her spirits: she was really into Doctor Who and would tell me how much she loved the Davison era, which was her mum’s era and meant so very much to her. She was mature beyond her years and a beautiful soul despite life bringing many challenges. Like Luna she was full of light and love and innocent joy. And it’s awful to think k of her gone from this world. Her poor dad and family… 

  • In case any members don't know of this thread, Nata (who sadly left here a while back) started it:

    'Spare a thought'


  • I miss Mister. His humour was always welcome. Some of the older members may remember AdeleM as well, she had a lovely sense of humour also but left after arguments on the forum. Hopefully they will both return when they can. I think life does get in the way sometimes making it more difficult to be present here.

  • I was friends with Mister as well who I was private messaging and I haven't heard from him either for some time. I miss his humour.

    Me too.

    How are you Mister?

  • I often wonder the same. I see a thread where someone was in a bad place and for days after they are still on my mind, whether they ever reached a better place. 

    We can't possibly know of course but it still racks my brains.

    There's a few members I was friendly with here who I think of frequently and wish well. I was friends with Aspie who deleted her account. She had throat cancer and I hope she is ok but I worry that something bad happened.

    I hope she will come back sometime.

    I was friends with Mister as well who I was private messaging and I haven't heard from him either for some time. I miss his humour.

    I hope as in when they can the missing members will pop by and say hello.

  • Luckily we have the likes of  and the National Autistic Society fighting for us. I'm hopeful things will be different in the future, perhaps not in my lifetime but it should be better for the young by the time they are my age I hope.

  • The problem is that, as a group, we’re not very good at self advocacy.

  • I hope this also, it can't go on. The authorities need to stop and think of the autistic population for once.

  • i have insomnia tonight; that's the only reason i'm back. not that anyone missed me.  i just didn't find the forum that useful.  no offense. for example, even for a kind of dumb hobby like bass fishing, the forums there are unbelievably lively and active and informative. ask a question about whether to use this or that type of line, with this type of lure ---- lots of responses, concise, thorough.  

    there - i've insulted both fishermen and denizens of this forum....  don't exactly mean to; it's just my autism.

  • Trisha was very kind to me.  I hope the high death rate for those on the spectrum will be taken seriously by the Authorities in this country one day.

  • Thank  you for letting us know.

    Absoutely awful news re Trisha.

    RIP Trisha.

    She was a lovely young woman and we conversed quite a lot by PM Cry

    I remember the challenges she was facing in her young life.

    Very sad to hear re Goosey too and I dearly hope she will be home soon and well.

    Maybe some of those lost to the forum will return one day.

    I hope so.

  • That's heartbreaking. 

  • How awful. I hadn't heard of her for such a long time and was fearing the worst. Poor Trisha. Our loss is Heavens gain. May she rest in peace x

  • Thank you for this. I didn’t know about Trisha Worried.

    Hopefully Goosey will be back with us soon. I miss her honks.

  • Oh my. The little 16 year old girl? That's terrible. Rest In Peace.

  • Sadly we have no way of knowing if these members are okay but I like to think they are busy and happy in life and that's why they haven't come back.

    I was pleased to see a member who was in a bad place a few years ago returned the other day. That in itself gives me hope that other members are ok and might return to the forum one day.

    I'm in touch with some who have moved on such as Tassimo, A=BCD and KatyChocolateLover. I've also been in touch with Goosey, who has been sectioned but she's hoping to be home next month she says. I've stayed in touch with some members who left but there are many who I knew who I have no idea how they are since they left. I hope they are all well.

    I did hear in late November that the lovely Trisha had passed away. Such upsetting news. She was such a bright girl. The forum definitely lost one of its brightest stars with her. May she rest in eternal peace along with Luna and Plastic.

  • As someone who spent a lot of time online and on forums/online games over the years I always keep thinking back to various usernames and where they are now. I like to think their lack of online presence is a good thing and that they're just busy and moved on to living happy lives. As popular as the Internet and social media is today it's still a minority who are actually routinely active so it's not like being inactive is a bad thing... However, knowing the amount of people I've interacted with that have had their own difficulties and life problems I do get that sinking feeling that many of them could no longer be with us.

    What makes me somewhat sad over them is knowing how when I reach lows (and almost attempted suicide) I withdraw a lot from even my online communities. Although many of these people may still have online presence, just elsewhere. For example I made a friend who was decently active on Twitter and then seemingly nothing but really he mostly moved to a more personal one less connected to the username and hobby we had met through. He seems to be doing well, so I like to think anyone else I lost touch with went on a positive journey like he did.