Shopping at Christmas time - uuurrrggghhhhh!!!

I've just returned from the shops Scream

I try to do all my Christmas shopping presents online or by voucher nowadays.

However, I had to go to buy lunch.

I get a Sainsburys delivery but the food was from S+M today, so needed to be done by hand.

S+M + TK Maxx - not too bad but already too busy a few minutes after opening.

Sainsburys - mad.  Totally mad.

People walking into me, shouting, standing far too close.

It opens at 11am and by 11.05am the large car park was full and people were driving around with no care whatsover.

I had a car at my heels (obviously desperate for a space) as I walked back to my car but I couldn't walk any faster as there were people in front.

Then, when I pulled out the car that wanted my space was sitting where I needed to drive to actually go anywhere.

People driving at 60mph in a 30mph zone.

It's bonkers.  It's still November.

Why do people have no consideration, awareness, manners or spacial awareness at this time of year?

Also, why do people drive so recklessly?

  • You went to the shops? And lived to tell the tale?!?

    Well done. I mean this sincerely. That's no easy task for an autistic person.

    I find shopping difficult at the best of times but shopping during the Christmas season is Hell on Earth.

    The shops are a warzone, more noise and people than I can bear.
    The roads are also a warzone. People racing round car parks like a racing driving, stealing spaces, beeping horns when they get annoyed.
    I try not to drive this time of year. The roads are busier and people's driving worsens dramatically. The roads are a no go area for me during the Christmas season.
    I try to do my shopping online, if possible, but it's not always possible, sadly. I have to go out on Thursday afternoon, after work. I prefer shopping of an evening, it is much quieter and kinder for an autistic person.
  • Yep, if I wasn't working at a store, I wouldn't even be going out at all, knowing that it is that busy this time of year.  I can't walk around without bumping into at least three people. Every aisle has someone shopping in it. It's just too much.

  • I'm aware that there are some people (often the muggles) who seem to love the hustle and bustle of going out shopping during the busy weeks leading up to Christmas, but I have never understood the appeal.

    When I was back in my teens, I remember one memorable occasion when my mother had taken me birthday shopping. I wanted clothing, and the only place to get clothing back then was a large out-of-town shopping centre, which all the clothing stores in my town had relocated to. The locals often refer to it as 'Merry Hell', and with good reason.

    Due to extended Christmas opening hours, my mother thought it would be quieter if we visited mid-week during the evening. I'm not sure how many times my mother drove around the vast car park trying to find an empty space, whilst I kept my eyes peeled for anyone who looked like they were about to return to their car and depart.

    "Hey, there are some people over there putting bags of shopping in their car. Quick! Drive around again and we can have their space". Well, if some other eagle-eyed driver hadn't beaten us to the soon-to-be vacated parking space, we would discover the people were simply depositing their bags in the car, in order to go back and get more shopping. Agh!

    Leaving proved to be even more of a nightmare. I think it had taken at least thirty minutes for us to exit the car park, and then another hour to drive just over half a mile to leave the site. When we returned home, my dad was expecting me to be laden down with bags galore, due to how long our shopping excursion had taken. If memory serves, I only had one bag as we had only visited one store.

  • I am not venturing out to anything remotely resembling a shop until the madness has gone!

    You are a very wise personage.

    I think I will follow suit.

  • In past years I have found that the best time to hit the supermarkets is the last couple of hours before closing on Christmas Eve.

    We went there for 7am last year Scream  to do the Xmas food shopping (some of it was online though).

  • Nice to see you Debbie
    Welcome back Debbie 

    Thank you both.

    I came home ranting to my husband and although he understands to a degree I'm not sure he could fully comprehend why I was so very wound up - like a spinning top about to take off.

    So I came here as I know that this is a place of understanding.

    Your mention in the 'spare a thought' thread has tempted me out of hibernation too.

    That's made my day.

    Welcome back Blush

  • Oh wow, chances are I rushed past you once or twice. I lived in the city centre for 3 years and shopped at that one regularly (raiding the reduced to clear section). I bet it's nuts at Christmas, especially with the German markets just outside.

  • Oh no I forgot Black Friday was this weekend...I'm shopping this weekend the start of my mums Christmas shopping. Well this is the end of me then lololol JoySweat smile I'm going to take my earphones and hope it's not too busy and I survive the ordeal.

    I wish my mum and dad would do online shopping as well. But they almost never do. You should do your shopping this weekend, online I mean I've seen loads of deals being advertised so it might be a great time to order.

  • Welcome back Debbie Relaxed Your mention in the 'spare a thought' thread has tempted me out of hibernation too.

    It's Black Friday weekend, so all the bargain hunters will be out in force with their sharpened elbows! I've been shopping a bit online but the deals are a con really, they just hike up the prices in advance to make it look like a reduction.

    You wouldn't find me anywhere near shops on a weekend at this time of year Scream

    I'll probably get a Sainsburys delivery for my pre Christmas food shop. They price match Aldi on a lot of things, so I can stock up on the cheap potatoes and veg without all the hassle of going to the stores and carrying everything.

    In past years I have found that the best time to hit the supermarkets is the last couple of hours before closing on Christmas Eve. They  are generally deserted as everyone has already done their shopping and gone home. Whatever is left will usually be heavily discounted too as a bonus.

  • I used to work in Tesco Manchester Metro in Market St for 17 years, so it’s my idea of hell, especially during Christmas 

  • I'm counting down the days until term breaks up, until then I'll have to brave the madness as I go through town every day nearly.

    That's cool about your Mario game. My brother just got this as well and he seems to like it too.

  • Here, in Northern Ireland, we just wing it; with potholes. Going ever-so-slow.

  • It's madness! 

    Nice to see you Debbie Slight smile 

    I am not venturing out to anything remotely resembling a shop until the madness has gone!

    Fortunately, it's possible to get things delivered now, unbelievable really, out here, it was the postman or bust when I was growing up here! Sweat smile

    Although, the Amazon driver did complain about the potholes on the track up to the house the other week - Occasionally the council turn up and fill them in. Otherwise, there are gravel bins, about halfway along, and it's DIY. Rolling eyes

    Most likely I ought to think about doing it if I want to avoid going out myself!

  • I went into Manchester city centre yesterday and it was nuts. I was on an escalator in the Arndale in a bit of a rush and politely asked a mother if her son could step to the left so I could get by. She just couldn't comprehend the point I was trying to make for some reason. Like it was an alien request.

    It's a pain, but it's only one month. Back to normal soon enough.

    On the plus side, I got Super Mario Bros Wonder and it's awesome! I'm a happy bunny.

  • I went to a Supermarket which opens early, on Sunday, to avoid the big queue for Sunday Lunches; most people are either at Church/Mass, or still sorting out their kids.

    Supermarkets in Northern Ireland only open from 1 pm to 6 pm, but the town I went to must have special permission to open early.

    I also went to a Post Office, this morning, to post an Airmail Tracked gift to a friend from Toronto. The young woman working there didn't seem to have a Scooby. Plus, it was £11.05. Good Lord, almighty!

  • I feel so sorry for you but I'll experience the same next weekend when I go shopping with my mum. Christmas shopping is the part of Christmas I hate the most! Everyone goes mental, busy shops and streets, everyone pushing all shoving, way too loud music and the amount of people is crazy insane.

    I much more prefer Christmas shopping online it's easier and much better doing it from the comfort of my room. Unfortunately my mum prefers shopping in town so normally I'll end up in there at least 5 times before Christmas Christmas tree

  • You have a good vent (rant) Grimacing

    I find going to the Supermarket late at night much easier, no annoying music and no people. What normally tips me over the edge us when things have been moved to make way for Christmas tat. It is the expectation of something and it being altered at the last moment, instant tailspin.