Shopping at Christmas time - uuurrrggghhhhh!!!

I've just returned from the shops Scream

I try to do all my Christmas shopping presents online or by voucher nowadays.

However, I had to go to buy lunch.

I get a Sainsburys delivery but the food was from S+M today, so needed to be done by hand.

S+M + TK Maxx - not too bad but already too busy a few minutes after opening.

Sainsburys - mad.  Totally mad.

People walking into me, shouting, standing far too close.

It opens at 11am and by 11.05am the large car park was full and people were driving around with no care whatsover.

I had a car at my heels (obviously desperate for a space) as I walked back to my car but I couldn't walk any faster as there were people in front.

Then, when I pulled out the car that wanted my space was sitting where I needed to drive to actually go anywhere.

People driving at 60mph in a 30mph zone.

It's bonkers.  It's still November.

Why do people have no consideration, awareness, manners or spacial awareness at this time of year?

Also, why do people drive so recklessly?

  • You went to the shops? And lived to tell the tale?!?

    Well done. I mean this sincerely. That's no easy task for an autistic person.

    I find shopping difficult at the best of times but shopping during the Christmas season is Hell on Earth.

    The shops are a warzone, more noise and people than I can bear.
    The roads are also a warzone. People racing round car parks like a racing driving, stealing spaces, beeping horns when they get annoyed.
    I try not to drive this time of year. The roads are busier and people's driving worsens dramatically. The roads are a no go area for me during the Christmas season.
    I try to do my shopping online, if possible, but it's not always possible, sadly. I have to go out on Thursday afternoon, after work. I prefer shopping of an evening, it is much quieter and kinder for an autistic person.
  • You went to the shops? And lived to tell the tale?!?

    Well done. I mean this sincerely. That's no easy task for an autistic person.

    I find shopping difficult at the best of times but shopping during the Christmas season is Hell on Earth.

    The shops are a warzone, more noise and people than I can bear.
    The roads are also a warzone. People racing round car parks like a racing driving, stealing spaces, beeping horns when they get annoyed.
    I try not to drive this time of year. The roads are busier and people's driving worsens dramatically. The roads are a no go area for me during the Christmas season.
    I try to do my shopping online, if possible, but it's not always possible, sadly. I have to go out on Thursday afternoon, after work. I prefer shopping of an evening, it is much quieter and kinder for an autistic person.
  • Having worked in supermarket retailing for 30 years, I can relate - and the strange thing is that on Christmas Eve, it’s bedlam from 6am until Midday, then it goes quiet until 2pm when the madness starts again, only then people realise the store is closing at 5pm and they go nuts again from 3pm - during Covid in 2020, the lockdowns were having an impact as we had mobile phone, landline and broadband problems, living here in the U.K. at the time, trying to get any contact with family in Rural Ireland was a major challenge as all the lines were down, texts and emails constantly had to be resent, Zoom calls kept dropping, landline and mobile calls kept dropping, emails had to be resent, etc