Shopping at Christmas time - uuurrrggghhhhh!!!

I've just returned from the shops Scream

I try to do all my Christmas shopping presents online or by voucher nowadays.

However, I had to go to buy lunch.

I get a Sainsburys delivery but the food was from S+M today, so needed to be done by hand.

S+M + TK Maxx - not too bad but already too busy a few minutes after opening.

Sainsburys - mad.  Totally mad.

People walking into me, shouting, standing far too close.

It opens at 11am and by 11.05am the large car park was full and people were driving around with no care whatsover.

I had a car at my heels (obviously desperate for a space) as I walked back to my car but I couldn't walk any faster as there were people in front.

Then, when I pulled out the car that wanted my space was sitting where I needed to drive to actually go anywhere.

People driving at 60mph in a 30mph zone.

It's bonkers.  It's still November.

Why do people have no consideration, awareness, manners or spacial awareness at this time of year?

Also, why do people drive so recklessly?

  • It's madness! 

    Nice to see you Debbie Slight smile 

    I am not venturing out to anything remotely resembling a shop until the madness has gone!

    Fortunately, it's possible to get things delivered now, unbelievable really, out here, it was the postman or bust when I was growing up here! Sweat smile

    Although, the Amazon driver did complain about the potholes on the track up to the house the other week - Occasionally the council turn up and fill them in. Otherwise, there are gravel bins, about halfway along, and it's DIY. Rolling eyes

    Most likely I ought to think about doing it if I want to avoid going out myself!

  • It's madness! 

    Nice to see you Debbie Slight smile 

    I am not venturing out to anything remotely resembling a shop until the madness has gone!

    Fortunately, it's possible to get things delivered now, unbelievable really, out here, it was the postman or bust when I was growing up here! Sweat smile

    Although, the Amazon driver did complain about the potholes on the track up to the house the other week - Occasionally the council turn up and fill them in. Otherwise, there are gravel bins, about halfway along, and it's DIY. Rolling eyes

    Most likely I ought to think about doing it if I want to avoid going out myself!
