covid booster?

Does anyone know what's happening with it?

I've tried to get to the bottom of it, looking all over including gov, but no definitive answers.

It seems like gov is hoping to kill some of us off again (like during the full pandemic), as it appears that the booster is only for over 65s, immunosuppressed, and frontline staff?

Any other health problems, like asthma etc, we appear not to be getting it?

I hear that US is offering it to all citizens, yet UK is hardly giving it to anyone and you can't get it privately either??? WTF? I'm sure they want to cull the herd again....??

  • How did you get on after the other covid jabs and boosters? I was particularly horribly ill after the first one, felt like every nerve in my body was on fire and aliens were trying to burst out of my muscles and was freezing cold in a way that nothing made the slightest difference, never known anything quite like it, I was a hair's breadth from getting the doctor out!

  • I’ve just been invited in the last couple of days and am getting it next week probably because I’m bipolar as well as autistic.

  • Just wanted to say thanks Automonistic for your advice. Although the English online booking system etc., didn't apply to us, we were finally able to speak to someone at the GP practice and the jabs were booked for next week. Partner just approached it as a fait accomplit and it worked! If it hadn't been for your post I think we'd have been sat here waiting to get a letter forever!

    So thank you, very grateful x

  • Lucky you, I've had several vaccines and COVID itself for a week.

  • I chose to have neither Vaccine nor the virus.

    I pulled it off by being both lucky, and unusually well informed as to how these things work, and what is the correct equipment to won and when to use it. Which is all luck, of course.

    I'm not in this thread to try and make any point EXCEPT THIS:

    The steps I took personally to try and avoid both virus and "vaccination" have definitely made me MUCH healthier than I was in the little  things. 

    It seems, I have had a long time vitamin D deficiency, which now it's been corrected has made a very visible favourable change change to my circumstances.  

    I only discovered this by doing my own research and thinking, and I'm very happy with the overall results. The process of research and thinking though is hard, and made far more complicated than it needs to be by all the liars and fantasists and mis-thinkers who populate the internet on ALL sides of any argument. 

    I've recommended Vitamin D to so many people now, even given the stuff to people who obviously it could help.

    Only ONE has ever come back to me and confirmed what I already know.

    Information is a very funny thing, where it comes from for many people, is held to be far more important than the actual data itself.

  • ha, yeah, they'd be annoyed anyway if they were around as it was a cattle market! (scary grim place - I'll just have to go and throw up in a bucket, not really, yes really Nauseated face only joking)

  • took place in a huge freezing cold cattle shed,

    I bet the cows were annoyed with all those people crowding into their space!

  • .....and there were signs up saying no photography allowed!

  • In Wales Debbie! My relatives in England got invites for all the jabs and boosters, or were able to book online at their convenience, but we were always left in the dark here and made to wait. It was pretty frustrating and chaotic at times! One of the jabs, I forget which, not the first one, took place in a huge freezing cold cattle shed, and everyone had to stay in their cars and hang their arm out of the window, the staff came round to you with a trolley. It was such a ginormous queue of cars for such a long time (even though we all supposedly had appt's) that everyone was busting for the loo! After the jab you had to drive to a different spot and wait until the danger of allergic reaction had passed, then you could go!

  • We never had that system here, walk-in centres, or being invited to book, we just got a phone call saying come in to such 'n such venue on a given day.

    If you don't mind me asking, where is that?

  • Hi Inula, hope you feel better soon, worst of luck catching covid before you got a chance to get the latest jab, good that the symptoms have receded though. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to how it's being done this time and the rules seem quite confusing. We never had that system here, walk-in centres, or being invited to book, we just got a phone call saying come in to such 'n such venue on a given day.

  • I tend just to get a red patch that's a bit achy around the injection site for a few days. I'm fine with needles, but my elbow veins are a bit unreliable for providing blood for blood tests, so I tend to bruise big-time if that is needed.

  • I hope it goes ok for you x

  • A couple of weeks ago I got a message from my GP inviting me to book a covid booster.

    I'm 62 so I don't qualify under the age rules and I have no other qualifying health issues as far as I'm aware. I did find a link to a gov website that said that people with learning disabilities would be offered it - and autism was mentioned as part of that - but I  manage perfectly ok and don't identify as having a learning difficulty).  I was only officially diagnosed autistic a few months back so maybe that's why I was offered the booster?

    I did have my booster booked for this coming Wednesday however, I've had to cancel it - I got covid a 5 days ago. My symptoms aren't too bad. The first 2 days I felt quite poorly but now I just feel like I have a heavy cold. I'm avoiding people though as I don't want to pass it on. 

  • Interesting, thanks for your input Slight smile good to know what's happening out there, some GP surgeries seem to be more generous than others

  • Flu can be very nasty especially with complications. I agree, most people should get the covid booster if they want it

  • It's interesting to hear what different healthboards and areas are doing in relation to this. Cool that you're getting it, even if the reason at the GPs is a bit skew-whiff!

  • I had mine a couple of weeks ago. I got a text inviting me to book it; I'm in my 30s with no big physical health problems so idk under what criteria I was eligible, but being able to be less scared of people for the next few months is an offer I'm always gonna take up. 

  • Only the 60+ year olds are getting it in my combined area, which I get cause a lot of elderly are vulnerable to getting sick but so are a lot of younger people. I class myself as vulnerable I have a terribly weak immune system, I had flu when I was 21 and I spent 3 months in intensive care. I feel like young and old should get this booster no matter what. 

  • I understand where you're coming from and I held similar opinions after watching the comedy series, "Zomboat", where a zombie apocalypse was traced back to a first zombie which was created by accident, when trials of an experimental flu vaccine went wrong.