covid booster?

Does anyone know what's happening with it?

I've tried to get to the bottom of it, looking all over including gov, but no definitive answers.

It seems like gov is hoping to kill some of us off again (like during the full pandemic), as it appears that the booster is only for over 65s, immunosuppressed, and frontline staff?

Any other health problems, like asthma etc, we appear not to be getting it?

I hear that US is offering it to all citizens, yet UK is hardly giving it to anyone and you can't get it privately either??? WTF? I'm sure they want to cull the herd again....??

  • "Your approach was both ill-informed and fundamentally selfish in nature"

    You can call people who declined the offer of such treatment "selfish" as much as you like. This appeal to emotion didn't really work at the time nor does it work now. If people don't want the treatment, that's up to them.

  • "So you relied on all the people around you taking a, miniscule, risk so that you could be protected while not taking the risk."


    "I had, and have, no qualms in having repeated Covid vaccine injections"

    Good for you. I don't want them. Thank you.

  • I had bronchial pneumonia, a sequela to measles, as a small child, this left me with a weak chest and as an adult I became asthmatic. I still had the Covid vaccine, precisely because a respiratory virus might have a particularly bad effect on me. 

    Over 70% of the entire human population have received at least one Covid vaccine shot. There have been 6,925,998 deaths attributed to Covid infection. Regarding adverse effects from vaccination, for one vaccine 2.5 cases of anaphylaxis per million injections, for another, 30 cases of blood clotting problems in 5 million doses. These are the kinds of odds I would bet on. I rest my case.

  • I was a key worker with unlimited access to test kits.

    I tested myself a lot. 

    MY approach was indeed extremely selfish I being previously very susceptible to respiritory illness DID NOT WANT COVID!!

    As the talk about "how selfish I was being" grew in the media, I more than most. needed to test regularly so I could isolate if neccesary.

    You keep trying to talk to me as if I am the reckless and ill-informed fool here! It won't work. 

    I have tired of reading it though.

  • I have not had Covid, to the best of my knowledge. Though this has no particular relevance, the vaccine was primarily designed to reduce mortality and morbidity, and reduce levels of transmission rather than to totally prevent people from contracting the virus. It appears to me to have done a good job.

    The fact that you, a single unvaccinated individual, have not, to the best of your knowledge (asymptomatic infection is possible), caught Covid is of no more general relevance than that I, a single vaccinated individual, have not contracted it. Not being vaccinated undoubtedly made it more likely that you would have contracted it, and had a worse outcome, than if you had been vaccinated. 

    I am of the opinion that if a substantial proportion of the population had taken the same stance as you did we would have seen an order of magnitude more deaths than was the case. Had clinical and care staff taken your approach, then there would have been wide scale deaths and not sufficient trained people left to save those who could have been saved. Your approach was both ill-informed and fundamentally selfish in nature.

  • So you are telling us you have not had covid then.

    Your specialist knowledge protected you did it?

    Everyone I know who was vaxxed has both caught and transmitted covid to their cohort.

    I did neither.

    I relied on myself, my NBC training and other previous knowledge, consulted with experts, acquired more knoweldege then made a decision that worked for me independently of the flock whilst taking sensible precautions. 

    The fundamental piece of knowledge that underpinned my decision was acquired when I as a pre-teen asked; "Why can I get vaccinated against these other diseases, but cannot be vaccinated against the common cold?" 

    I'll repeat myself MY STRATEGY WORKED 100%, the "vaccinate & mask" strategy not so well for everyone I know who tried it. 

    I've transitioned from being sick every bloody year to NOT being sick every year. 

    I've infected no-one with Covid-19, nor Contracted it myself.

    Aimed for, and hit the bullseye.

    Can you say the same?

    Has the health choice you made not only protected you from covid but also improved your health overall?

    There's a REASON my life insurance premiums are now lower than the vaxxed people's. There's a REASON that the davos crowd only used unvaccinated pilots for their last meeting. There's a REASON that "sudden adult death" is a thing..

    You guys can carry on calling me names, and letting people stick experimental stuff into your arms of questionable efficacy every year, I've said my piece, and won't be revisiting this thread again. 

    Anyone who wants to be a little more informed than the average can google "Robert Malone"  "the great barrington declaration" "FLCCC" "kary Mullis" "Dr Zelensky" 

  • unusually well informed


    Conspiracy Facebook groups are not "well informed"

    you and nearly everyone else here has received novel gene therapy,


    The "vaccine" clearly does NOT stop the vaxxed from contracting covid!


    Honk honk

  • So you relied on all the people around you taking a, miniscule, risk so that you could be protected while not taking the risk. Is that caution, or something less laudable? It is not 'gene therapy' either. It does not alter your DNA. It is merely 'messenger RNA', mRNA instructs ribosomal machinery to make proteins and peptides. It is much less robust than DNA, has a relatively short half-life in the cell and should not enter the nucleus.

    I'm a molecular biologist, DNA, RNA and proteins were my bread and butter. I had, and have, no qualms in having repeated Covid vaccine injections. I did so not to be socially compliant, but because, with a good level of background knowledge of both pathogens and how human cells work, I reached the considered conclusion that the very real threat to my health and life of a novel respiratory virus was much more pressing than any entirely theoretical threat from a novel vaccine strategy.

  • I didn't have the injections after spending weeks reading about how they worked as a novel biotechnology platform (both mRNA and ChAdOx). Having spent two years listening to people brand people such as myself who had read up on the technology from primary sources and decided against it for their own reasoning as "conspiracy theorists" has become more than irksome. It certainly hasn't helped anyone especially if it has helped coerce people into taking medicines having not formed their own risk / benefit analysis of them (social conformity). Just my ten pence worth.

  • That's interesting. I declined the jab and still haven't had one. The initial sars-cov-2 infection for me included fatigue, obviously, but this lasted quite a good month till I had all my energy back again and had an element of vision problems for a day or so and other really weird neurological problems at the time (like REALLY weird for a couple of days). I had about a year and a bit of low level peripheral neuropathy too and I can still smell a new kind of smell I've never been able to smell in my life before. Initial infection was in the whole "Delta" period. Second infection some six months later didn't even involve a day off work (working from home, obvs).

  • It does seem odd this year you're right. Thank goodness you got it though, and it protects your mum, I have immense respect for all carers x

  • Me neither, I just recently had the 'punched in the arm' for a whole week after the flu jab, and also felt systemically like cr*p, but I'd rather have it than not!

    Relations told me they just had a sore arm in the main and sometimes headaches/fatigue off the Pfizer one. But I guess it depends on loads of different factors like age and if you're in decent nick to begin with!

  • Run my post past him then, I'd be interested in some informed feedback.

    I verified everything I thought I knew about these things before I took my own decisions, with a trained microbiologist. 

    I don't only "wade around in conspiracy theories" I go everywhere I can to get knowledge.

    The Inventor of the MRNA shots Dr Robert Malone, is labelled as a "conspiracy theorist" when it comes to his testimony as to the applicabilty of these vaccinations, how much better informed can you get??

    [edited by moderator]

  • I had Pfizer every time and despite always being ready for the worst (I don't deal well with physical sensations in the body) I just had pain in that arm for a day or so. Like the level of pain when you've been punched in the shoulder, not a high level. 

  • Getting vaccinated for flu does not stop you getting the flu (or covid)?? That's not what it's about, if you get the flu it is not as severe as it would have been had you not been vaccinated. You're stepping on a land-mine here.

    My partner is a trained biochemist with expert knowledge, I'd rather take advice from him, than someone who wades around in conspiracy theories.

    Please tread carefully. People can be having these vaccinations due to the risk from underlying health conditions.

    What you do, or don't do, is entirely your decision for what you deem is best for you. [edited by moderator]

  • Er, to be honest I can't remember. a mix, I think the last one was Moderna, if I recall, not sure we had Pfizer ones. From what relations tell me the Pfizer might have been better but you don't get to pick. With the second vaccination I had the same experience (aliens) but not quite as bad and for not as long. My partner had so little effect (not even a sore arm) that we started to wonder if he really had had any vaccine! But then, I think it was the last booster, I was ok, but it absolutely floored him, he was lying there groaning all night feeling at death's door. It's weird how the different ones can vary so much.

    I'm a bit apprehensive about this next one - but hey ho!

  • Without wishing to cause offence to anyone, there is still quite a lot of misinformation out there and washing about in this thread.

    The unvarnished truth of the matter, Robert124, is you and nearly everyone else here has received novel gene therapy, that was "rebranded" by changing the official definition of how a vaccine works in 2020, and only allowable under emergency use Authorisation. (Which should have been rescinded as soon as the two currently known effective treatments emerged).

    I have somewhere on my computer a video showing how the treatments were initially sold to us all as 100 percent effective against transmission of, or infection by, the covid-19 virus and gradually as the truth of the matter became obvious the claims off efficiency were slowly reduced, as were the claims of "harmlessness". 

    How everyone can ignore these facts, (I've gone nowhere near "theory", everything I've just told you is incontrovertible fact).

    FORTUNATELY the conspiracy theory that really DID worry me, seems to be failing to come to fruition, and my friends and relatives who have had the jab haven't all "died suddenly", and although it is more dangerous than not taking it, and of now proven inefficacy in terms of halting the spread of the virus (as were all the measures our leaders recommended) the figures I have available suggest the Jab is not working very well as a depopulation measure.

    For those of you who have already experienced adverse reactions and are wondering whether you really need that next shot I'd offer these facts for your consideration.

    1: Covid -19 version 1 was FAR more deadly than the strains now freely circulating, and the chances of those who are unvaccinated getting seriously ill are vastly reduced, even before one takes sensible precautions to minimise exposure and maximise immunity. 

    2: The "vaccine" clearly does NOT stop the vaxxed from contracting covid! So what benefit are you exactly hoping to gain?

    3. The simple changes in lifestyle and hygiene and use of the correct medications and supplements in addition to aid me in the avoidance of covid, unlike the vaccination only approach most of us took, also work on other infections and ailments conferring a wider spectrum and longer lasting benefits whilst being less objectionable than some poorly trained oaf (Aspirate first, before pushing the intra muscular meds, please..) sticking a pin in your arm.

    I'm not advising anyone, (and since I want to be allowed to "go my own way" as far as possible sure not telling anyone what they should do). Just providing the relevant INFORMATION that some people would seem to have gone to great lengths to keep from you all.


  • I got it because I’m a carer for my mum, otherwise it would have been over 65s only as you said. It seems odd to make flu vaccinations more widely available than Covid.

  • I’ve been fine - maybe a slightly sore arm for a day or two but that’s about it. Which one(s) have you had? I think I’ve had the Pfizer one throughout.