Covid isn’t over.

Felt rough for the last couple of days and today feel light headed and tight chested. Did a test earlier and two lines immediately came up. I have covid again, my wife is a District Nurse and said that numbers have been rising with a new strain. Only bonus is I won’t have anyone come near me. My wife’s fellow nurses bought her a bunch of flowers yesterday for her birthday, the covid I can cope with, the Lilly’s in the bunch are driving me insane.

  • Good point!

    I don't use emojis much to be honest normally this ^^ 

    I don't like hugs either really dislike being touched.

    Emoji hugs are much better Hugging

  • I wear a mask still as well :–) 

    As a big health freak I'm super scared of getting sick so when the masks were introduced I really liked it

    But sometimes it does feel pointless when no one else does it lol.

  • I hope you're feeling better Roy.

    From what I've read it does seem to be spreading fast. According to the Zoe health study data there were a million cases in the UK by the beginning of September and currently rising by over 100,000 a day.

    I'm concerned because of the vulnerability of my elderly mum. With the schools going back the rate of transmission could spike. In the US they've apparently reintroduced mandatory masks in schools.

    The latest vaccine will be offered to the most vulnerable soon but they might not be that effective against the new variant. The government have already brought forward the dates by a month and I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to extend the offer to all over 50s next month.

    I'll be going back to mask wearing next time I go shopping, only just stopped wearing them a few months ago. It does seem futile though when 99% of other people don't bother. 

  • There is a hug emoji Hugging

    Some autistic people (including me) don't like hugs in real life. A virtual one should be ok.

  • Annual flu jabs, for the over 65's, immuno-suppressed, people with certain health conditions- e.g. diabetes, coronary heart disease, asthma etc. Carers of the above. I've had asthma from childhood, so I get a flu jab. 

    The base vaccine is tweaked every year, usually rolled out early-mid October. 

    I missed it one year, and really, really wished I hadn't - naturally I caught flu... Rolling eyes

  • Hello Roy,

    You're absolutely right. COVID hasn't gone anywhere. Back in May/June 2020 I was literally at death's door in intensive care with COVID. Luckily, I made a recovery despite mental and physical trauma. Yet, a lot of people have become blasé about it.

  • Sorry you're still not 100% hopefully you will be feeling much better soon

    I wish there was a hug button if there was I would give you a hug.

  • Hi Debbie, sorry for a late reply, I’ve only just seen your message. I’m feeling better but still have ‘cold’ like symptoms. The last time I had covid I redecorated the house, this time I was too ill to do anything, still constantly tired but back at work and working slightly shorter hours.

  • I've just got the news that my sister has caught COVID, for the first time.Skull crossbones

  • I certainly don't want to catch covid again, but, I would love a total lockdown.

  • Get well soon Turtle 

    I haven't had COVID but my mum did and she was very poorly with it for a few months. It is still a serious problem with these new strains and a lot of people aren't wearing masks anymore. I never stopped wearing masks, I'm psycho about staying healthy.

  • I have to believe Covid , atleast the lockdown elements , is over for my mental health. So in Jan 2020 I went to my GP and asked for a ASD diagnosis, still waiting. Then in April my dad got covid and died, mum then had to have 24hr care. I ignored the rules and went to see her 2-3 times a week, I had to do her shopping, look after the house etc, and comfort her, and deal with things myself. It was utter hell, it completely broke me. Then in July she had to go into care and I had to clear their house of 40 years, heart breaking. Thankfully I was on furlough from work, but that just caused money issues and led me going into a deby management plan. 

    I was very active, particually around my obsession hobby in the summer every summer weekend, plus football every week in the winter. That was all taken from me it was utter hell. My mum was locked in her care home and I basically had no pleasure in my life. As we moved into the lockdown of winter 20-21 I became more and more ant lock down. Covid had ruined my life, I wanted my life back. I mostly paid lip service to the rules in public but otherwise did what I wanted. None of that involved seeing people, it involved me trying to get some sort of routine back in my life. 

    Then we come to 'partygate' . One of the dates that there were fines for was my mums bithday and my wedding anniversary, I totally lost it over that and vowed that I will not comply any more.  I have had covid twice with no issues, ill take my chances in future.

  • My fear is that going to square one. In 2020 I had to do all the local shopping. Unfortunately I'm not entitled to the COVID booster.

    Had people saying don't worry about COVID your vaccinated. I'll ignore them.

  • I'm sorry you're feeling ill Roy.

    Sending you healing vibes x

  • Up here in Scotland there is an independent public inquiry into Scotland's response to, and the impact of, the COVID-19 pandemic, and to learn lessons for the future.

    The Inquiry has a web page asking Scots to share their own experience of the pandemic.

    Is there a similar request for people to share their own experience of the pandemic in England?

  • , I am so sorry to read that you have Covid. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  • My experience was totally different I think what  made me feel unsafe was being indoors all the time and feeling increasingly disconnected from the world around me. I’ve had Covid several times. Once before being vaccinated and a couple of times after. I was asymptomatic or nearly asymptomatic every time. statistically Covid was a much much greater risk to the immunocompromised and the elderly. statistically if you look at the death rates those under 40 in good health had very little to worry about in spite of the horror stories of relatively young men dying in ICU it wasn’t born out by the statistics.

    I was well aware of this even before the lockdown and so I was always more worried by the lockdown than The illness.