Eye Contact

Following a recent discussion I note that some people say they have learnt how to do eye contact. My question is how do you do it?

I have been asked if I am listening as the only way I can consciously try is by looking to the side of someone or looking at a nose or tie. If I look towards someone's eyes I feel like I am staring so then look away.

  • I’ve had a problem with eye contact since I was a child, I can remember my father telling me off, “people who don’t make eye contact are not trustworthy.” How wrong that was. The usual was teachers, “ look at me when I’m talking to you!” Makes me actually chuckle now, it’s just ignorance.

  • Yes, it does seem frequently to be a measure of trustworthiness in the court of social opinion..

    That was quite verbose... sorry! Joy

    But yeah. I've found people assume I'm untrustworthy- at least - if I don't make sufficient eye contact...

    Seems bonkers to me, but hey, what do I know... not being part of the human social club is a constant mystery..

  • Yes, it does seem frequently to be a measure of trustworthiness in the court of social opinion..

    That was quite verbose... sorry! Joy

    But yeah. I've found people assume I'm untrustworthy- at least - if I don't make sufficient eye contact...

    Seems bonkers to me, but hey, what do I know... not being part of the human social club is a constant mystery..

  • Mutual rapport between you both.
    No words needed.

  • It’s why I get on with my dog so well, I normally know what he wants and he never talks.

  • Showery today, with scattered sunny spells... Slight smile

    Seriously though - yes, walking away gets me into trouble as well. It's generally that I've seen something interesting... I'm afraid polite conversation is far less compelling..

  • 7 % Non verbal ?
    In that case us ASD'S must be a real head-scratcher for those trying to suss us out !

  • Me to Roy.
    Unless it is important it goes in one ear and out the other.

  • You are right, I handed my social cub membership back, just don’t need it anymore. One thing I do get berated for is walking away from people while they are talking to me, I often say, “I am listening, “ they just don’t realise my brain is also doing more interesting things. I find the low point of any conversation is when someone wants to discuss the weather, I start wanting to stick my fingers in my eyes! I suppose putting my fingers in my ears would be a better option.

  • I get you, it makes sense because humans do communicate with eye contact, unspoken communication. 

    I remember being surprised to learn - at some work-related training event or other - that only a small part of communication between people comes from the actual words spoken...

    It's allegedly only 7%, all the rest is non-verbal..

    For NT's... I don't know, but maybe not the same for ND people, who can be quite literal. 


  • This might sound weird but i avoid eye contact because i feel other People
    can look into my Eyes and read my thoughts, bearing in mind the Eyes are the window to the soul.
    Crazy yes, but the feelings are real.