Unfair ex employers


I have recently been diagnosed with Autism and ADHD at the age of 45. I am really angry about the way former employers treated me even though this was 5 years ago. I have a strong sense of justice that causes me to get into trouble when I see things that aren't right and I speak up. My ex-boss didn't like this and victimised me which caused massive mental health issues and a breakdown.

Is it still possible to get legal redress for my situation even though it is more than 5 years ago? I have only just recovered from this ordeal and started to read my emails and it is shocking what happened to me but i wasn't strong enough to take action at that time.

Thank you 


  • Of course there is no statute of limitations in the court of the media. If any of their behaviour would be bad enough to interest a journalist you always have that option to explore.

  • Yeah - similar here aged lte 40s diagnosis.

    Lost an entire career due to not wishing to do immoral and potentially illegal things, and not submitting to being forced to do unpaid work. Never recovered the ability to trust management.

    Unfortunately, after 5 years, unless there is illegality involved, it is unlikely you have any options. Yep...that's rubbish I know.

  • I had a similar experience. When I read up on it I found it needs to be challenges within 2 years of leaving.

    My solution was to put it behind me and 'win' by moving on and being happy without them in my life

    Hope you find some peace soon Pray

  • I am really angry about the way former employers treated me even though this was 5 years ago. I have a strong sense of justice that causes me to get into trouble when I see things that aren't right and I speak up

    If you have evidence of any illegal activity then there may be a small chance you could get them into trouble over it, but in reality I doubt the poilice will be interested.

    If you have proof you were unfairly dismissed then speak to an employment lawyer about it to see if you have a case.

    If you are just frustrated and angry then I don't see you having a hope in getting anything done about it. I would recommend getting therapy to get over this as there is no benefit to you on letting the anger fester - it only hurts you so you need to come to terms with it and let it go.

    That covers the main facets of this from what I can think of.

  • I cannot offer you legal advice as per rules of this forum. However this particular piece of legislation will be of interest to you. www.legislation.gov.uk/.../123

  • Hey Lee :) 

    I'm not sure if there is any recourse if they have just 'been mean' to you, but if there was anything like unfair dismissal then surely you could still take that up with them. 

    I would suggest you contact an employment lawyer local to you right away, send them an email outlining what aspects you felt were illegal (not just nasty) and ask for an idea of whether they think you have a case or not. I think they will advise this on a yes/no basis for free, after which you can look to actually hire them or not. 

    Citizens advice may also have resources? 


  • Hello,

    I'm sorry that you went through such horrible experiences at work. Nobody should have to. I have had similar experiences and am sure I'm not alone. 

    In my case, I knew what my employers were doing was illegal, but I was so tired from all their efforts to get rid of me that I gave up. 

    I don't know if it's too late for you to seek redress - somebody here will know though. 

    I wish you good luck and hope you can find justice.