Health Advice For My Throat


I joined here a while ago but haven't been online much because of my anxiety. My health anxiety is now bad because I've had a sore throat for about a year and now I've noticed a lump thing at the back of my mouth and I'm really worried it's cancer. I know a regular person would go to the doctors but I get so scared and anxious that I can't leave my house so I'm hoping someone here has experienced the same as me and can tell me what it might be.

Does it look like cancer? I think cancer mostly because of Google but also because it runs in our family. All my grandparents died of it and my cousin has it as well and she's only 36.

I've no other symptoms other than fatigue, nausea and unsteadiness when I walk where it feels like I'll fall over.

I've had this for so long the sore throat and I was originally given antibiotics by my doctor and that appointment last year nearly killed me! The anxiety was so bad I fainted, was sick, fainted again.. It was horrible!

Since then I've tried over the counter stuff but nothing works. And now that lumpy bit is there.

If you've got experience of this please say what you think it is as I am worried sick about this.

  • I'm a bit worried in case it's something serious and life threatening

    If you don't know then wait until you do know to worry about it - I find that focussing on this every time my mind starts worrying helps me put that particular genie back in its bottle.

    It takes practice but works a treat once you have it.

    I expect the infection is just a secondary, opportunistic infection that you caught while your immune system was knocked flat with the tonsillitis. Chances are that it will be antibiotic treatable and you will be right as rain in 2 weeks.

    Thank you for taking some of the good advice on the thread. I'm glad the primary problem turned out to be what we thought it was and is easily treated. I suspect the secondary issue will be likewise.

  • I got an appointment today because of cancellations. My doctor thinks chronic tonsillitis explains the recurring infection.But the swelling she is concerned about. She said there's white at the base of the swelling and it goes further down my throat so I've been urgently referred to hospital and should hear hear back about an urgent appointment.

    I'm a bit worried in case it's something serious and life threatening and also because I hate hospitals and going to them always results in a horrible meltdown for me. Bit upset but glad that at least I've got some meds for my throat and mouth.

  • I called up this morning and the earliest appointment the doctor can offer me is Friday. A bit of a wait but I'm glad I've at least got one now.

  • Thought it would look like that. It's definitely chronic tonsillitis. Go to your GP still though as this needs to be addressed but stop worrying about cancer. Tomorrow your GP will say the exact same thing. Let us know how you get on.

  • Hi.

    That sounds positive and I think you might be right. I just looked and the other side looks a bit gross to but not as bad as the left side. This is a pic of the right side

  • You could be right there my immune system might be bad. I don't have a great diet and I almost never go anywhere anymore because I'm too scared.

  • I do have ulcer patches on my tongue that come and go and also red gums so it's possible it is just an infection but it won't heal.

    This plus the persistat tonsil infection makes me think the underlying cause may be your general imune system.

    Are you eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise? An underlying health issues that would compromise your imune system (no need to be specific)?

    I'm thinking of tying to look at ways to stop this coming back when you get it treated.

  • Hi Aspie,

    Sorry you are suffering from this and worried. I can understand your worry but relax this isn't cancer that's chronic tonsillitis (a change in the structure of the tonsil tissue after an illness). How's the other side looking? Not as bad as that I bet but still changed from its normal appearance I bet.

    In short your tonsils no longer perform their function, they need to be removed.

  • Bad luck on Quinsy. That's a nasty health problem to suffer from. Glad you were ok.

  • We're not doctors so can't really answer this for you.

    If you're worried about it then you could call 111 and ask for advice. They can then advise you on what to do next i.e. see your GP or go to hospital. Or you could just go to A&E and get them to check it for you. You pay your taxes like everybody else so you are more than entitled to visit A&E.

    Don't spend time asking online. Online isn't the right people. If I were you I'd try 111, that is what they are there for after all. Good luck Aspie I hope it all turns out ok.

  • Aspie,i had an uncommon condition once called quinsy
    It got so swollen that my airway was blocked off and i had to go to A and E.
    You dont have that but you MUST go get it checked ASAP.
    Also,i have had a little lump on my tonsile all my life which is perfectly harmless.
    I don't think we can give you assurance here so make sure you get to see a Health professional ASAP.

  • Do go to your doctor.

    I don't think it's cancer. It looks more like an abscess to me which can be dangerous itself if not treated. If you start to struggle to swallow, talk and breathe then it's time to go to A&E. Chronic tonsillitis can cause this and based on what you wrote about your tongue and gums it sounds like this is what you have, basically an infection that keeps coming back.

    See your doctor but I'm fairly certain this is what you will be told. They might refer you to the hospital, be ready for that but try not to worry and think the worst. Chronic tonsillitis and an abscess is most likely the culprit here.

  • Hello Aspie. I'm sorry to hear about your throat, that looks very sore. I'm sorry you're filled with so much anxiety as well though do understand as I'm the exact same when I get sick! Try to relax (easier said than done I know!) as worrying won't help and only make your anxiety worse for you. Make sure you do get this checked out with your doctor, I'm sure it's nothing serious and probably is only tonsillitis but it's always better to be safer than sorry.

    In the meantime you could go to the chemist, possibly show them your pic and they may be able to ease some of your anxiety by reassuring you it's nothing too bad and also give you something for your throat to help numb the pain. I know you struggle with going out but if you can then I'd suggest doing this.

    I hope your doctor can help and give you good news regarding this. Please let us know how you get on. Take care.

  • Oh my god that sounds awful. Hopefully it can be treated with antibiotics or something like that. I do have ulcer patches on my tongue that come and go and also red gums so it's possible it is just an infection but it won't heal.

    I saw a pic of my throat I took 5 months ago

    The lump bit has grown in that time so I guess it is worth getting checked just to be sure it's not serious but I'm hoping it'll be ok.

  • Would the treatment be at home I don't like hospital

    Tonsilitis is treate with antibiotics but if your immune system is weak then it will probably recurr.

    If it keeps coming back then an operation under general anaesthetic is needed - that usually involves a few days in hospital so you probably want to avoid it.

    The solution is to treat it with antibiotics, eat a healthy and balanced diet, keep active and lower your stress levels.

    All this is assuming it is tonsilitis - you will only know when you get to the doc. The worst is that you develpp a severe infection in the tonsils and risk septic shock so I'm pretty sure the visit to the doctors surgery is the less traumatic of the two.

  • I remember  's wife worked in healthcare so maybe he will see this and she might be able to help settle your anxiety on this as well.

  • That doesn't strike me as cancerous. It looks more like tonsillitis to me. Potentially chronic tonsillitis as Martin suggested.

    Though I'm not a doctor so do definitely get this checked out. Even if it's not cancer you still want this checked and treated as it's an ongoing infection that will make you feel terrible. My dad had tonsillitis that didn't heal itself and his tonsils were swollen and redder than yours and he's still alive and well today, so I think you'll be all right ;)

    Make sure you call your doctor and get this looked at but I'm sure it will be nothing too serious. Don't go stressing about it or it'll make you feel and think the worst things imaginable. Anxiety sucks like that.

    Take care and good luck I hope your doctor can help you with this :) 

  • I've got to call back Monday as they had no appointments or phonecalls left because it was a busy day. I'll call first thing Monday.

  • Is that serious? Would the treatment be at home I don't like hospital. Tonsillitis doesn't sound too bad I was worried about cancer. I not had a tonsillectomy before.

    I finally got through to reception this afternoon but it was too late to talk to av doctor so I've got to call again on Monday.