Health Advice For My Throat


I joined here a while ago but haven't been online much because of my anxiety. My health anxiety is now bad because I've had a sore throat for about a year and now I've noticed a lump thing at the back of my mouth and I'm really worried it's cancer. I know a regular person would go to the doctors but I get so scared and anxious that I can't leave my house so I'm hoping someone here has experienced the same as me and can tell me what it might be.

Does it look like cancer? I think cancer mostly because of Google but also because it runs in our family. All my grandparents died of it and my cousin has it as well and she's only 36.

I've no other symptoms other than fatigue, nausea and unsteadiness when I walk where it feels like I'll fall over.

I've had this for so long the sore throat and I was originally given antibiotics by my doctor and that appointment last year nearly killed me! The anxiety was so bad I fainted, was sick, fainted again.. It was horrible!

Since then I've tried over the counter stuff but nothing works. And now that lumpy bit is there.

If you've got experience of this please say what you think it is as I am worried sick about this.

  • Hi Aspie,

    Sorry you are suffering from this and worried. I can understand your worry but relax this isn't cancer that's chronic tonsillitis (a change in the structure of the tonsil tissue after an illness). How's the other side looking? Not as bad as that I bet but still changed from its normal appearance I bet.

    In short your tonsils no longer perform their function, they need to be removed.

  • Hi.

    That sounds positive and I think you might be right. I just looked and the other side looks a bit gross to but not as bad as the left side. This is a pic of the right side

  • Thought it would look like that. It's definitely chronic tonsillitis. Go to your GP still though as this needs to be addressed but stop worrying about cancer. Tomorrow your GP will say the exact same thing. Let us know how you get on.

  • I called up this morning and the earliest appointment the doctor can offer me is Friday. A bit of a wait but I'm glad I've at least got one now.

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