food and drink

My work colleague called me odd the other day, i work on a shift of around 10, many times i have been offered a tea/coffee and always declined, when he asked me why the only reason i could give is, i would rather make my own than inconvenience someone (plus i know just how i like it.

He also bought in a bun from the local bakery for a taster test to see if they will run with it, after ripping a piece off, he encouraged me to try some, i couldnt, even though i know he is clean, it had been manhandled, 

i am very fussy about food and dont know if its the Autism or me being me. i cannot stand food with bones in (with the exception of ribs) 

i prefer to stick with what i know

  • I stick to the same thing, usually.

    In Mid Ulster, we have a delicacy called Liver Roll. It's my ideal source of iron. Though, I also take gentle iron supplements; from Holland and Barrett.

    I'm eating less, and my diet is far healthier than even a few years back. On Wednesday Evenings, I attend a meeting in Belfast; and use the opportunity to have Dinner there, usually at Wetherspoon's.

  • I'm beginning to eat pizza with a kinfe and fork. It's how it was ALWAYS done in Italy. Untill Merica made it popular.

  • Gristle, unexpectedly biting down on gristle is one of the most horrible sensory assaults going, at least for me.

  • I hate any food that is likley to contain gristle or fat. Can only eat bacon with the fat trimmed off and I dont like chicken thighs 

  • I tend to stick to the same foods, I take sandwiches to work and they are always cheese and small chunk pickle. I very rarely eat out as it’s too stressful. My treat on a Saturday is a McDonald’s cheeseburger with the green slimy thing removed! I’m sure we have all had the,”how do you know you don’t like it when you won’t even try it?” The food can look wrong, even the texture can look wrong. I’m with Martin on oily finger food such as ribs, my sons will eat them and their hands are covered in gunk,  it just freaks me out. I never see why other people question what someone else will or won’t eat.

  • I have big food issues, leading to a unhealthy diet. I only like processed things. So would not eat a steak but blitz that and make it into a burger no problem, it has to have the same consistencey through the whole thing. When i was a kid we always had cheap meat with fat/gristle so I almost became vege apart from bacon and susages (it was the 70's no convinence food). Can eat anything that is 'leafed' so no salad leafs, genrally nothing green except peas. 

  • I cannot do food that requires me to touch it directly, that is in anyway oily or greasy, as the feel of oily, greasy fingers revolts me. So chicken wings and ribs and suchlike are a total no-no. I always eat pizza with a knife and fork. I also find chocolate a challenge, though I am keen on dark chocolate. I put it in the fridge, so there is less chance of it melting on my fingers. As a child, I ate Cadbury's flakes by breaking them up in a bowl and eating them with a spoon. Slight smile

  • I completely get where you're coming from with the bun thing, I'm really fussy about who or what has touched my food before I eat it, I much prefer to prepare my own food & drinks. A personal bugbear is waiting/bar staff not observing CHOG (customers half of the glass - i.e. not touching the top half of the glass they are serving a drink in) it grosses me out. I also won't eat anywhere that allows dogs (except assistance dogs obviously).

  • it must be difficult having such a sensitive digestive system, but I don't think everyone experiences such a level of disturbance. Personally my digestion is more affected by stress which is not so easily avoided!

  • For me it's one of those things that's a bit of a balancing act between what's familiar, comfortable and feels completely safe (especially when I'm struggling) and trying not to bore myself to death (when I'm doing kinda okay).

    I do eat the same smaller selection of foods at the same times every day but every once in a while I enjoy trying something slightly different. I very much miss the days where I felt like I could just eat whatever whenever.

  • A few years ago had norovirus which is unusual for me. Was a local cafe which picked up the bug from. Only have vegetarian food when out as it's safe.

    Decided to use my own cutlery which some people understand or don't understand. Also prefer to have my own food and drink. Used to drink alcohol and stopped as was on strong painkillers and hallucinations.

    People think it's a joke when tell them I've got intolerance of coconut, quail and duck eggs and kukui oil. 

  • i prefer to stick with what i know

    Me too. With food and autism it's important to stick with what you know and trust because new foods can cause turmoil for the gut because a lot of us have intolerances and IBS... :( 

    I have a diet sheet I made with foods I know and trust. I always take my own food out with me as well. My sister says I'm crazy but it's just being sensible.

    An IBS attack can linger on for days, at least I avoid that by eating my own food and sticking to the right diet.

  • I don't see the point in eating new foods, which always have a risk of causing stomach upset. Once you have a nutritionally adequate daily diet that doesn't make you ill, it makes sense to stick to it. That way you can go outside without worrying whether you're about to need the loo.

    People who don't use this approach must miss out on so much.