food and drink

My work colleague called me odd the other day, i work on a shift of around 10, many times i have been offered a tea/coffee and always declined, when he asked me why the only reason i could give is, i would rather make my own than inconvenience someone (plus i know just how i like it.

He also bought in a bun from the local bakery for a taster test to see if they will run with it, after ripping a piece off, he encouraged me to try some, i couldnt, even though i know he is clean, it had been manhandled, 

i am very fussy about food and dont know if its the Autism or me being me. i cannot stand food with bones in (with the exception of ribs) 

i prefer to stick with what i know

  • I completely get where you're coming from with the bun thing, I'm really fussy about who or what has touched my food before I eat it, I much prefer to prepare my own food & drinks. A personal bugbear is waiting/bar staff not observing CHOG (customers half of the glass - i.e. not touching the top half of the glass they are serving a drink in) it grosses me out. I also won't eat anywhere that allows dogs (except assistance dogs obviously).

  • I completely get where you're coming from with the bun thing, I'm really fussy about who or what has touched my food before I eat it, I much prefer to prepare my own food & drinks. A personal bugbear is waiting/bar staff not observing CHOG (customers half of the glass - i.e. not touching the top half of the glass they are serving a drink in) it grosses me out. I also won't eat anywhere that allows dogs (except assistance dogs obviously).

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